Last Call: Seeking Comments on Proposed Projects

We’re working to line up funding for Duluth-Area projects in 2020

Federally-funded transportation projects can be big, expensive, and time-sensitive — which means they need to be planned in advance.  In fact, we’re working now to line up funding for Duluth-area projects in 2020.

We are taking comments on the Draft 2017-2020 Duluth Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) through July 30.  It includes two new proposed projects:

Morris Thomas Road – Pavement Preservation
Jurisdiction: St. Louis County
Project Description: The resurfacing of Morris Thomas Road between Highway 2 and Piedmont Avenue. The project will also include ADA implementation and safety improvements.
Project Cost: $2 million ($1 million federal, $1 million local funds)

Third Street – Pavement Preservation
Jurisdiction: City of Duluth
Project Description: Consists of a mill and overlay of 3rd street between 12th Avenue East and Mesaba Avenue. Project will include repairs to storm water system, curbs and gutters, and sidewalks, as well as ADA improvements
Project Cost: $1.1 million ($860,000 federal, $240,000 state funds)

We want to know what you think!

Give us a call: Talk to Planner Chris Belden at (218) 529-7502

Attend a Drop-In Open House:

WhenTuesday, 7/19 or Tuesday, July 26 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

WhereARDC/MIC office in downtown Duluth at 221 West First Street (skywalk level)



We are committed to seeking out and incorporating stakeholder input as a key part of our planning work. That’s where this blog comes in. We hope you will learn a bit more about what we’re recommending for transportation improvements in this area, and why.

Please chime in with your comments and questions.