PM1 (Safety)
Adopted: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2024
In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.
The MIC passed Resolution 23-20 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2024, as follows:
- Number of fatalities (588.8)
- Number of serious injuries (3,033.7)
- Rate of fatalities (0.915 per 100MVMT)
- Rate of serious injuries (4.726 per 100MVMT)
- Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries (371.8)
Adopted 10/19/22: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2023
In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.
The MIC passed Resolution 22-12 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2023, as follows:
- Number of fatalities (587.2)
- Number of serious injuries (3,044.3)
- Rate of fatalities (0.937 per 100MVMT)
- Rate of serious injuries (4.857 per 100MVMT)
- Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries (364.0)
Adopted 10/20/21: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2022
In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.
The MIC passed Resolution 21-15 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2021, as follows:
- Number of fatalities (584.7)
- Number of serious injuries ((2,995.5)
- Rate of fatalities (0.919 per 100MVMT)
- Rate of serious injuries ((4.712 per 100MVMT)
- Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries ((358.5)
Adopted 10/21/2020 : WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2021
In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.
The MIC passed Resolution 20-12 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2021, as follows:
- Number of fatalities (576)
- Number of serious injuries (2,897.9)
- Rate of fatalities (0.890 per 100MVMT)
- Rate of serious injuries (4.482 per 100MVMT)
- Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries (350.2)
Adopted 10/16/19: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2020
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Policy Board adopted the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) performance measure targe set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2020, as follows:
Measure |
2019 Target |
2020 Target |
Number of Traffic Fatalities |
555.7 |
564.7 |
Rate of Traffic Fatalities |
0.915 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
0.888 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
Number of Serious Injuries |
2,967.6 |
2,907.0 |
Rate of Serious Injuries |
4.785 per 100 VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
4.585 per 100 Million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities & Serious Injuries |
342.0 |
344.7 |
Adopted 9/19/18: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2019
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Policy Board adopted the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2019, as follows:
Measure |
2018 Target |
2019 Target |
Number of Traffic Fatalities |
556.1 |
555.7 |
Rate of Traffic Fatalities |
0.914 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
0.915 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
Number of Serious Injuries |
3,023.9 |
2,967.6 |
Rate of Serious Injuries |
4.997 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
4.785/100 Million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) |
Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities & Serious Injuries |
343.3 |
342.0 |
Adopted 2/27/18: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2018
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Policy Board adopted the WisDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2018, as follows:
# of Traffic fatalities = 556.1
Rate of Fatalities = 0.917/100MVMT
# of Serious injuries = 3,023.9
Rate of Serious Injuries = 4.997/100MVMT
# of Non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries = 343.3
PM2 (Infrastructure)
Adopted 6/20/2018: WisDOT’s 2- and 4-Year Performance Measure Targets for Pavement and Bridge Condition on the National Highway System
All Metropolitan Planning Organizations, including the MIC, must establish performance targets for the first four-year reporting period 2018-2022 for the National Highway System (NHS) pavement condition and for the NHS bridge condition. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-15, adopting WisDOT’s performance measure targets for Infrastructure Condition (PM2), as follows:
Measure |
2-Year Target |
4-Year Target |
Percent of NHS* Bridges in Good Condition |
50% |
50% |
Percent of NHS Bridges in Poor Condition |
3% |
3% |
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Good Condition |
N/A |
45% |
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Poor Condition |
N/A |
5% |
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Good Condition |
20% |
20% |
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Poor Condition |
12% |
12% |
*NHS = National Highway System
PM3 (System Reliability)
Adopted 6/20/18: WisDOT’s 2- and 4-Year Targets for Travel Time Reliability and Freight Travel Time Reliability
All MPOs across the country must establish performance targets for National Highway System (NHS) Performance and Freight Movement on the on the National Highway System (NHS) by November 16, 2018. They may either (a) adopt their state DOT’s targets or (b) adopt their own, quantifiable 4-year targets.
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-16, adopting WisDOT’s performance measures for System Performance (PM3), as follows:
Measure |
2-Year Target |
4-Year Target |
Percent of Reliable Miles on the Interstate |
94% |
90% |
Percent of Reliable Person Miles on the Non-Interstate NHS |
N/A |
86% |
Truck Time Reliability Index |
1.4 |
1.6 |
*NHS = National Highway System