Performance measure targets adopted for the Wisconsin section of the MIC planning area.

Federal requirements direct us, as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), to establish targets for performance measures that address safety, pavement condition, bridge condition and performance on the highway system, and transit assets. We have the option either to use the performance targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop our own, quantifiable targets.*

Those performance measures (PMs), and the targets we’ve established for each, are shown below. They are reported and discussed in our 25-year long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan, linked to the investment priorities in our four-year Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), and incorporated into our annual planning processes.

*The MIC has opted to adopt the targets established by WisDOT for the Wisconsin section of the MIC planning area. (See the MnDOT targets adopted for the Minnesota section of the MIC planning area)

PM1 (Safety)

Adopted: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2025

In accordance with the USDOT/FHWA strategy to achieve national transportation performance goals, every state DOT and MPO must annually adopt five Safety Performance Measure (PM1) targets. MPOs have the option to either adopt the targets established by the state or develop their own targets.

For 2025, the MIC adopted WisDOT’s statewide Safety Performance Measure targets for the Wisconsin portion of the MIC Planning Area, as follows:

PM2 (Infrastructure)

Adopted: WisDOT’s 2- and 4-Year Performance Measure Targets for Pavement and Bridge Condition on the National Highway System

All Metropolitan Planning Organizations, including the MIC, must adopt performance measures for Infrastructure Condition (PM2) by June 14, 2023. They may either adopt their state’s targets or establish their own, quantifiable 4-year targets. For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #23-08, adopting WisDOT’s performance measure targets for Infrastructure Condition (PM2), as follows:

Infrastructure Performance Measures and 2022-2025 Targets (PM2)

Measure  Baseline 2-Year Target


4- Year Target


Percent of NHS* Bridges in Good Condition 51.3% >49.0% >48.0%
Percent of NHS Bridges in Poor Condition 2.6% <3.0% <3.0%
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Good Condition 65.9% >60.0% >60%
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Poor Condition 0.3% <4.0% <4.0%
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Good Condition 36.3% >30.0% >30.0%
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Poor Condition 4.2% <10.0% <10.0%

               *NHS = National Highway System

By adopting these performance measure targets, the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council agrees to plan and program (TIP) projects so that the projects contribute to the accomplishment of WisDOT’s NHS Pavement and Bridge Condition targets for the performance period 2022 through 2025.

PM3 (National Highway System Performance)

Adopted: WisDOT’s 2- and 4-Year Targets for Travel Time Reliability and Freight Travel Time Reliability

All Metropolitan Planning Organizations, including the MIC, must adopt performance measures for System Reliability (PM3) by June 14, 2023. They may either adopt their state’s targets or establish their own, quantifiable 4-year targets. For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #23-09, adopting WisDOT’s performance measures for System Performance (PM3), as follows:

System Reliability Performance Measures and 2022-2025 Targets (PM3)

Measure Baseline 2-Year Target 4-Year Target
Percent of Reliable Person Miles on the Interstate 96.4% 92.5% 93.0%
Percent of Reliable Person Miles Reliable on the Non-Interstate NHS 93.9% 91.0% 89.5%
Truck Travel Time Reliability Index 1.20 1.3 1.3

             *NHS = National Highway System

By adopting these performance measure targets, the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council agrees to plan and program (TIP) projects so that the projects contribute to the accomplishment of WisDOT’s System Reliability targets for the performance period 2022 through 2025.


Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Targets

Adopted: The DTA’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Performance Measure Targets

On July 19, 2018, the FTA published the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Final Rule, which requires certain operators of public transportation systems that receive federal funds, such as state DOT’s and local transit authorities including the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA), to establish targets for safety performance measures identified in the National Public Transportation Safety Plan.

Here are the Duluth Transit Authority’s targets, effective May 2020, and included in its most recent (8/30/23) Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP):

Transit Asset Management (TAM)

Adopted: The DTA’s 4-Year Transit Asset Management (TAM) Targets

In accordance with federal law, each MPO (the MIC) must establish Transit Asset Management targets in conjunction with transit agencies operating within the MPO (the Duluth Transit Authority or DTA).

The MPO and transit provider have the option to either adopt the Transit Asset Management targets adopted by the state or to develop their own targets. The DTA decided to formulate and adopt their own targets, that were approved by the DTA Board of Directors on 8/29/18.  The MIC Policy Board passed Resolution 18-18, adopting those targets for both the Minnesota and Wisconsin sides of the MPO, as follows:

Asset 4-Year Target
Rolling Stock <10% of active Fixed Route vehicles and <20% of Paratransit vehicles have reached their useful life.
Equipment <35% of equipment (i.e. service vehicles) have reached their useful life.
Parking/Pedestrian Facility <10% of parking/pedestrian facilities have a condition rating below 3 based on FTA’s TERM scale.
Administrative/Maintenance Facility <20% of facility elements within the Administrative & Maintenance Facility have a condition rating below 3.

PM1 (Safety)


Adopted: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2024

In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.

The MIC passed Resolution 23-20 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2024, as follows:

  • Number of fatalities (588.8)
  • Number of serious injuries (3,033.7)
  • Rate of fatalities (0.915 per 100MVMT)
  • Rate of serious injuries (4.726 per 100MVMT)
  • Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries (371.8)

Adopted 10/19/22: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2023

In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.

The MIC passed Resolution 22-12 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2023, as follows:

  • Number of fatalities (587.2)
  • Number of serious injuries (3,044.3)
  • Rate of fatalities (0.937 per 100MVMT)
  • Rate of serious injuries (4.857 per 100MVMT)
  • Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries (364.0)

Adopted 10/20/21: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2022

In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.

The MIC passed Resolution 21-15 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2021, as follows:

  • Number of fatalities (584.7)
  • Number of serious injuries ((2,995.5)
  • Rate of fatalities (0.919 per 100MVMT)
  • Rate of serious injuries ((4.712 per 100MVMT)
  • Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries ((358.5)

Adopted 10/21/2020 : WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2021

In accordance with federal law, each MPO, including the MIC, must adopt at least five annual safety performance measure targets. They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.

The MIC passed Resolution 20-12 adopting the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2021, as follows:

  • Number of fatalities (576)
  • Number of serious injuries (2,897.9)
  • Rate of fatalities (0.890 per 100MVMT)
  • Rate of serious injuries (4.482 per 100MVMT)
  • Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries (350.2)

Adopted 10/16/19: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2020
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Policy Board adopted the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) performance measure targe set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2020, as follows:

Measure 2019 Target 2020 Target
Number of Traffic Fatalities 555.7 564.7
Rate of Traffic Fatalities 0.915 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) 0.888 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled)
Number of Serious Injuries 2,967.6 2,907.0
Rate of Serious Injuries 4.785 per 100 VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) 4.585 per 100 Million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled)
Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities & Serious Injuries 342.0 344.7

Adopted 9/19/18: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2019
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Policy Board adopted the five safety performance measure targets set by the State of Wisconsin (WisDOT) for CY 2019, as follows:

Measure 2018 Target 2019 Target
Number of Traffic Fatalities 556.1 555.7
Rate of Traffic Fatalities 0.914 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) 0.915 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled)
Number of Serious Injuries 3,023.9 2,967.6
Rate of Serious Injuries 4.997 per 100 million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) 4.785/100 Million VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled)
Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities & Serious Injuries 343.3 342.0

Adopted 2/27/18: WisDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2018
For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Policy Board adopted the WisDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2018, as follows:

# of Traffic fatalities = 556.1
Rate of Fatalities = 0.917/100MVMT
# of Serious injuries = 3,023.9
Rate of Serious Injuries = 4.997/100MVMT
# of Non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries = 343.3

PM2 (Infrastructure)

Adopted 6/20/2018: WisDOT’s 2- and 4-Year Performance Measure Targets for Pavement and Bridge Condition on the National Highway System

All Metropolitan Planning Organizations, including the MIC, must establish performance targets for the first four-year reporting period 2018-2022 for the National Highway System (NHS) pavement condition and for the NHS bridge condition.  They have the option to either use the safety performance measure targets adopted by the state DOT or to develop their own targets.

For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-15, adopting WisDOT’s performance measure targets for Infrastructure Condition (PM2), as follows:

Measure 2-Year Target 4-Year Target
Percent of NHS* Bridges in Good Condition 50% 50%
Percent of NHS Bridges in Poor Condition 3% 3%
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Good Condition N/A 45%
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Poor Condition N/A 5%
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Good Condition 20% 20%
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Poor Condition 12% 12%

               *NHS = National Highway System


PM3 (System Reliability)

Adopted 6/20/18: WisDOT’s 2- and 4-Year Targets for Travel Time Reliability and Freight Travel Time Reliability

All MPOs across the country must establish performance targets for National Highway System (NHS) Performance and Freight Movement on the on the National Highway System (NHS) by November 16, 2018.  They may either (a) adopt their state DOT’s targets or (b) adopt their own, quantifiable 4-year targets.

For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-16, adopting WisDOT’s performance measures for System Performance (PM3), as follows:

Measure 2-Year Target 4-Year Target
Percent of Reliable Miles on the Interstate 94% 90%
Percent of Reliable Person Miles on the Non-Interstate NHS N/A 86%
Truck Time Reliability Index 1.4 1.6

                *NHS = National Highway System

MAP-21, signed into law in 2012, mandated that MPOs employ a transportation performance management approach in carrying out their federally-required planning and programming activities.

Long Range Metropolitan Transportation Plans (MTPs) adopted or amended after the following dates must include performance targets for the associated measures:

  • May 27, 2018 – Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and Highway Safety
  • October 1, 2018 – Transit Asset Management
  • October 1, 2018 – Public Transportation Safety Program
  • May 20, 2019 – Pavement and Bridge Condition
  • May 20, 2019 – System Performance/Freight/Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program

In addition, the MIC’s Superior Area TIP shall include, to the maximum extent practicable, a description of the anticipated effect of the TIP toward achieving the performance targets identified in the metropolitan transportation plan, linking investment priorities to those performance targets.

The MIC has the option to adopt performance measure targets adopted by the state Departments of Transportation (WisDOT) or to develop and adopt their own quantifiable 4-year targets. The MIC has chosen to adopt WisDOT targets.