Long Range

The draft version of Sustainable Choices 2050 is posted below (under ‘Draft Plan for Review’ tab) and is open for public comment through September 6.

Please direct your comments and questions to Mike Wenholz (contact info at right).

Sustainable Choices 2050 establishes the vision, goals and strategies to guide the effective investment of federal transportation funds in the Duluth, MN-Superior, WI area for the next 25 years:

Develop a community-supported multimodal transportation system that not only supports the diverse needs of people and commerce, but is also fiscally, socially, and environmentally sustainable over time.

Opportunities for Public Involvement

The development of the MIC’s MTP included multiple public participation initiatives that sought input from a wide range of area stakeholders, in a variety of formats and settings. All prior and current opportunities are listed below, including two open houses in mid-August:

Public Open House to Review the MIC's Metropolitan Transportation Plan

2050 MTP Open House #2
Date & Time
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Superior Public Library
1530 Tower Avenue, Superior

You are invited and encouraged to drop by to review and comment on the draft version of Sustainable Choices 2050, the MIC’s long range transportation plan for the Duluth-Superior area over the next 25 years.

View the draft plan

Public Open House to Review the MIC's Metropolitan Transportation Plan

2050 MTP Open House #1
Date & Time
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Duluth Folk School
1917 West Superior Street, Duluth

You are invited and encouraged to drop by to review and comment on the draft version of Sustainable Choices 2050, the MIC’s long range transportation plan for the Duluth-Superior area over the next 25 years.

View the draft plan

Draft MTP Open for 30-day Public Comment Period

See “Draft Plan for Review” tab, above, to view the draft document.

All comments should be directed to Mike Wenholz (contact info, above), in writing, by 5:00 pm on Friday, September 6, 2024.

Comments and questions are also welcomed at two public open-house style information sessions on Wednesday, August 14, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Duluth Folk School (1917 W Superior St) and Thursday, August 15 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Superior Public Library (1530 Tower Ave).

Preliminary Draft Chapters Open for Review and Comment

The intent of this release is to allow members of the MTP advisory committee and oversight agencies, including MnDOT, WisDOT, FTA, and FHWA, to review the content before the Draft document is released for the 30-day public comment period (on August 1).

All comments should be directed to Mike Wenholz (contact info, above).

Historic Resources and Historic Preservation Consultation

MIC notified relevant agencies, including the Fond du Lac Tribe, requesting their input (i.e., concerns and/or recommendations) in regard to potential impacts from the proposed MTP transportation projects on historic resources and/or cultural sites.

Natural Resources and Environmental Consultation

MIC notified relevant agencies, including the Fond du Lac Tribe, requesting their input (i.e., concerns and/or recommendations) in regard to potential impacts from the proposed MTP transportation projects on natural resources and environmental factors.

City of Superior Business and Tourism Consultation

MIC staff met with the director of the Superior-Douglas County Area Chamber of Commerce & Travel Superior to discuss future transportation issues, needs and opportunities from the perspective of the business and tourism interests in the City of Superior and Douglas County.  Click to view summary

People with Disabilities Focus Group

A small group discussion was held with people who were living with a disability or who work on behalf of disabled people living or working in the Duluth-Superior area.  Click to view summary

Older Adults Focus Group

A small group discussion was held with people who were older adults or who worked on behalf of older adults living or working in the Duluth-Superior area.  Click to view summary

Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Consultation

Workshop, Presentation & Discussion: As a follow-up to the MTP project scoring approach discussions during the previous TAC meetings, AECOM staff facilitated a work session focused on the project list scores, giving TAC members the opportunity to offer feedback and ask questions in a work session that directly preceded the TAC meeting. At the TAC meeting that followed, Jim Meyer and Mike Wenholz wrapped up that discussion by giving an overview of the MTP Project Final Review Questions in Step 3.  Click to view summary

Modal Consultation – Bicyclists

MIC staff attended an informal meeting of employees from local bicycle shops to give a brief overview of the MTP and to invite comments about bicycling-related issues and opportunities in the MIC area.  Click to view summary

Modal Consultation – Transit

MIC staff attended the regularly-scheduled meeting of the Duluth Transit Authority Board of Directors MIC staff presented an overview of the ongoing development of the MTP and invited comments from the group regarding transit issues, needs and opportunities in the MIC area.  Click to view summary

Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Consultation

Project Scoring Process Final Review and Consultation

AECOM and MIC staff reviewed the proposed Step 1 -MTP Project Scoring Metrics and Step 3 – Final Review Questions to be used to score the MTP projects. Most of the time was allocated to providing the TAC members an opportunity to share any thoughts, concerns, or recommendations, or to ask any questions. Click to view summary

Lincoln Park Business Group

MIC staff attended the regularly-scheduled meeting of Duluth’s Lincoln Park Business Group, which represents the interests of this fast-growing hospitality, residential and business district.  Click to view summary

Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Consultation

Proposed Process for Project Scoring

Building upon the December 2023 presentation to the TAC, AECOM and MIC staff presented the proposed process for scoring the projects to be included in the 2050 MTP, highlighting the proposed data-driven metrics along with the planning emphasis areas that will be used to help refine the project scoring, and invited comments for refining the proposed metrics.  Click to view summary

BPAC Presentation & Discussion

MIC staff attended the regularly-scheduled meeting of the MIC’s BPAC and provided a status update about the MTP and invited comments from the group about pedestrian and bicycle transportation in the MIC area.  Click to view summary

Modal Consultation – Freight Rail

MIC staff met with MnDOT Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations staff to get a status summary of state freight rail operations.

Modal Consultation – Passenger Rail

MIC staff met MnDOT Passenger Rail Program staff to get a status summary of the proposed NLX passenger rail service.

Wisconsin Jurisdictions—Consultation #2

MIC staff held the second of two consultations with jurisdictional representatives from the Wisconsin side of the MIC planning area, to discuss inter-jurisdictional coordination  and potential improvement projects for inclusion in the 2050 MTP’s short-, mid-, and long-term project lists. Staff also requested data regarding transportation revenue and O&M costs. Click to view summary

Minnesota Jurisdictions—Consultation #2

MIC staff held the second of two consultations with jurisdictional representatives from the Minnesota side of the MIC planning area, to discuss inter-jurisdictional coordination  and potential improvement projects for inclusion in the 2050 MTP’s short-, mid-, and long-term project lists.  Staff also requested data regarding transportation revenue and O&M costs.  Click to view summary

Equity Focus Group

AECOM staff facilitated a discussion centered on equity issues related to transportation in the MIC area, with a focus on historically-underserved areas and populations.  Click to view summary

Sustainability Focus Group

AECOM staff facilitated a discussion centered on sustainable transportation issues and opportunities in the MIC area motorized and non-motorized transportation network.  Click to view summary

HTAC/Multimodal Freight Consultation

AECOM staff facilitated a discussion at the regularly-scheduled Harbor Technical Advisory Committee (HTAC) meeting about transportation issues and opportunities related to the port, harbor issues and multimodal freight in and through the MIC area.  Click to view summary

Pedestrian Issues Focus Group

AECOM staff facilitated a discussion centered on issues and opportunities for pedestrians and walkability throughout the MIC area.  Click to view summary

WI Jurisdictional Consultation #1

AECOM staff held the first of two planned consultations with representatives from the jurisdictions on the Wisconsin side of the MIC planning area, to gain input into observed and emerging transportation issues. Click to view summary

MN Jurisdictional Consultation #1

AECOM staff held the first of two planned consultations with representatives from the jurisdictions on the Minnesota side of the MIC planning area, to gain input into observed and emerging transportation issues. Click to view summary

We Need Your Input - Take the Transportation Vision Survey!

How do you travel now, and how do you want to be able to travel in and through the Twin Ports area in the years to come?

: Click Here to Take the Survey

The funds to build and maintain our transportation system come largely from public sources (such as gas taxes, property taxes, fares and fees). Your input is essential to understanding our community’s priorities to target these limited financial resources!.

Click to view summary

2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Kickoff Meetings
Date & Time
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Presentations at the June 2023 TAC and MIC meetings will introduce the 2050 long range Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Sustainable Choices 2050.

Both meetings are open to the public. Similar presentations will be presented to stakeholders as the planning process continues through October 2024.

 What is Sustainable Choices 2050?

With Sustainable Choices 2050 we are updating the MIC’s long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, urbanized area. 

The plan includes lists of proposed short-, mid- and long-term transportation projects. It is updated every five years in accordance with federal and state requirements, incorporates public input, and reflects local planning initiatives. For this update, we have identified the highest-priority projects to improve the movement of people and freight throughout the Duluth-Superior area. 

This will provide the foundation for the annual development of the Duluth and Superior Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), four-year programs of projects proposed by local jurisdictions that will utilize federal surface transportation funds. The projects will build roadway, transit, pedestrian and bikeway projects that will bring us closer, over 25 years, to realizing the vison of Developing a community-supported multimodal transportation system that not only supports the diverse needs of people and commerce, but is also fiscally, socially, and environmentally sustainable over time.  

Sustainable Choices 2050 builds upon the holistic approach of the 2045 plan, to consider and plan for all users of the transportation system. In the 2050 plan, new and notable elements of the plan include:

  • Performance‐Based Planning
  • Project Prioritization
  • Combined Jurisdictional Consultations
  • Focus Groups with Targeted Stakeholders

Key Issues

Looking ahead 25 years, here are some of the main issues we’ll be facing:

•  There’s a Lot of Infrastructure. Our transportation system includes all the roads, sidewalks and pedestrian paths, bikeways, railroads, shipping channels and port facilities, airports, transit facilities, bridges; traffic lights and signs, as well as maintenance equipment, safety systems and more, that support the movement of people and goods.

•  It’s Getting More Expensive. The costs of building and maintaining transportation infrastructure are rising every year. 

•  Our Population is Not Growing There have been few changes to the population and demographics within the MIC area for many decades. In fact, regional population has been stable since at least 1980—which means the per-person tax burden for our infrastructure is increasing.

•  We’re Getting Older: The Duluth-Superior MIC’s population continues to follow nationwide trends, with the proportion of older individuals increasing as the baby boomer generation ages. The City of Duluth and the City of Superior have higher concentrations of populations above 65. The aging population will also continue to increase the demand for more accessible transportation options in the MIC area.

•  Many of Us Don’t Drive, or are Seeking Alternatives A significant number of people who live here don’t own vehicles (8.1% of households in the MIC area, and up to 61% of households in some neighborhoods). Many others are too young, too old, or unable to drive (and still have places to go); and a growing number of people are seeking alternatives to driving (for reasons of lifestyle, health, finances or environmental impact).

•  Safety is a Significant Concern Especially for bicyclists, pedestrians, and those with ambulatory difficulties; the prioritization of cars and a lack of direct pedestrian and/or cycling routes associated with the design of many roadways make them uninviting and unsafe for non-motorized users. 

Complete document - Chapters 1-10 and Appendices


View chapters individually, below:

Chapter 2 - Vision, Goals & Objectives


Chapter 4 - Performance-Based Planning


Chapter 5 - Multimodal Network


Chapter 6 - Projects and Funding


Chapter 7 - Emerging Trends


Chapter 8 - Planning Coordination


Chapter 10 - Action Steps to Implement


Appendix A - Federal Planning Factors and MTP Objectives


Appendix B-Demographic Trends-Travel Patterns-Short Trips Analysis


Appendix C - Public Engagement Summary
