The work we’re doing this year.
The MIC’s Unified Transportation Planning Work Program and Budget (UPWP) shows, in detail, how we will use our federal, state and local transportation planning funds this year (and estimates how we will use them next year). It indicates who will perform the work, the schedule for completing the work, the resulting work products, the proposed funding by activity, and budgets and funding sources for each project.
The UPWP is updated annually and is developed by MIC staff in consultation with partner jurisdictions and agencies and approved by the Policy Board. It may be amended to account for changes in funding or projects.
The MIC’s work activities are supported by funding from the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, the Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation, the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission.
What is included in the MIC’s UPWP?
The MIC work program is an annual publication that describes the planning activities the MIC will undertake and be involved in during the following two years, summarizes MIC’s recent planning activities and accomplishments, and identifies how federal, state, and local transportation funding will be spent on the different planning activities.
Each UPWP satisfies the requirements of 23 United States Code (USC) Section 134, 49 USC Section 5303, 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 420 and 450, and 2 CFR Part 200. The UPWPs identify and outline transportation planning activities for the period of January 1 through December 31 each year.
The publication of an MPO work program is required by federal law as a condition of receiving federal transportation funding.
MIC includes a Statement of Non-discrimination as part of the UPWP as well as a self-certification summary that details how the MIC complies with the applicable federal laws, including Title VI.
Funding Sources
The MIC’s work activities as described in the UPWP are supported by funding from the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, the Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation, the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission.
2024-2025 MIC Work Program and Budget (amended 2/1/24)
Amendment 1 to the 2024-2025 MIC UPWP was approved by the MIC Policy Board on 12/18/23 and by MnDOT and FHWA on 2/1/24.
All changes to projects, tasks and budgets as proposed and approved in Amendment #1 are incorporated in this version.