NOTE: This Transportation Improvement Program is outdated and has been replaced by the 2025-2028 Duluth-Area TIP.
New Duluth Area TIP Approved for CY 2025-2028
The 2024-2027 TIP was replaced by the 2025-2028 Duluth Area Transportation Improvement Program, effective January 1, 2025.
Amendment #7 Approved by MIC Policy Board
The following amendment to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board:
Capital Improvement/Mobility Management Grant Cycle Accounting Change (TIP Project ID # TRF-9069-25)
The MnDOT Office of Transit has requested an administrative change to their accounting of ARDC’s Mobility Management project funds, to include two years of funding in one line-item description. The project cost itself is not increasing, but rather the costs for two grant cycles (7/1/25-6/30/27) are being condensed into a single year (2024).
Public notice posted 5/7/24: Amendment #7 Proposed for Approval (Opportunity for Public Comment)
Amendment 7 to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP will be brought forward for approval at the May 15, 2024 MIC Policy Board meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Amendment #6 Approved by MIC Policy Board
The following amendment to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board:
New Project: I-35 EV Charging Stations
MnDOT has requested the addition of a new project along the I-35 corridor as part of their efforts to expand access to electric vehicle charging stations. This project will fund the installation of charging stations at I-35 exits 256B, 255A, 253B, 252, and 249 for a total project cost of $843,000.
Public notice posted 5/7/24: Amendment #6 Proposed for Approval (Opportunity for Public Comment)
Amendment 6 to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP will be brought forward for approval at the May 15, 2024 MIC Policy Board meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #10
Administrative Modification 10: Project Description Change to Project 118-080-065
The City of Duluth requested a change to the project description for existing 2025 project on Garfield Ave/Port Terminal Road, in response to the National Highway Administration’s request to change the language to include “concrete pavement repairs.” The project year, scope and cost are not affected.
Administrative Modification #10 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #9
Administrative Modification 9: Additional Federal Scenic Byway Funds Applied to Project 118-060-013
The City of Duluth requested a cost increase for an existing 2024 Project to add interpretive signage on Skyline Parkway at Bardon Peak Outlook with the use of $757,000 in additional federal Scenic Byway funds. The total project cost increase is less than 50% of the original project cost.
Administrative Modification #9 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Annual Listing of Obligated TIP Projects
Duluth-Area TIP Projects Obligated for Federal Funding in 2023 (non-Transit) (click to view)
The listing includes all federally funded projects (including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities, and excluding transit/DTA projects) for which funds under 23 U.S.C. or 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 were obligated in the Duluth Area TIP in 2023, as well as federal funding remaining and available for subsequent years.
Duluth-Area TIP Projects Obligated for Federal Funding in 2023 (Transit) (click to view)
The listing includes all federally funded transit/DTA projects for which funds under 23 U.S.C. or 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 were obligated in the Duluth Area TIP in 2023, as well as federal funding remaining and available for subsequent years.
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #8
Administrative Modification #8: Increase of Total Project Cost (2024)
St. Louis County requested an increase in funds in FY2024, for the construction of left turn lanes at the intersection of US 2 and CR 223 (Munger Shaw Rd), in the amount of $300,000 (from $925,000 to $1,225,000) because of updated project costs and inflation. This change was approved by MIC staff on 3/6/24, and has been made administratively to the 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP.
Administrative Modification #8 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #7
Administrative Modification #7: Reduction of Total Project Cost (2025)
MnDOT requested a reduction in funds in 2025 for the I-35 pavement resurfacing project in Duluth from Lake Ave to 21st Ave E, due to updated project costs and better unit price costs. The total project cost has been reduced by $831,000, and the project remains fiscally constrained, with no change to the project scope. This change was approved by MIC staff on 2/9/24, and has been made administratively to the 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP.
Administrative Modification #7 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #6
Administrative Modification #6: Reduction of Total Project Cost (2024)
MnDOT requested a reduction in funds for Project ID 6910-116 (MN 23 pavement replacement from W 5th St to 121st Ave W in Duluth), due to updated cost estimates. The total project cost has been reduced by $400,000, $325,680 of which is from federal funds and the project remains fiscally constrained, with no change to the project scope. This change was approved by MIC staff on 2/9/24, and has been made administratively to the 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP.
Administrative Modification #6 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Amendment #5 Approved by MIC Policy Board
The following amendment to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board:
New Project: Blatnik Bridge Engineering (2024)
MnDOT is requesting the addition of a new project in 2024 for the Blatnik Bridge, using Bridge Formula Funding. This project will include engineering consultation; bridge pile load testing and bridge footing location investigation, for a total project cost of $10,000,000.
Public notice posted 1/9/2024: Amendment #5 Proposed for Approval (Opportunity for Public Comment)
Amendment 5 to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP will be brought forward for approval at the January 17, 2024 MIC Policy Board meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Amendment #4 Approved by MIC Policy Board
The following amendment to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board:
New Project: West 3rd Street/Grand Avenue Pavement Improvement (2024)
MnDOT is requesting the addition of a new project on MN 23 (West 3rd Street/Grand Avenue) from W 5th St to 121st Ave W using STBGP funds. This project includes the removal and replacement of bituminous pavement, for a total project cost of $2,000,000.
Public notice posted 1/9/2024: Amendment #4 Proposed for Approval (Opportunity for Public Comment)
Amendment 4 to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP will be brought forward for approval at the January 17, 2024 MIC Policy Board meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #5
Administrative Modification #5: Early Procurement Funds for MnDOT Bridge Rehabilitation (2024)
MnDOT requested EP funds in FY 2024 for the existing project ID 6926-57(EP) for bridge rehabilitation on I-35 in Duluth in the amount of $50,000. This change is within fiscal constraints, was approved by MIC staff on 12/12/23, and has been made administratively to the 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP.
Administrative Modification #5 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #4
Administrative Modification #4: MnDOT Early Procurement Funds for Lighting Equipment (2024)
MnDOT requested to secure Early Procurement (EP) funds in 2024 for lighting equipment for the existing project ID #6926-57(EP) for improvements on Hwy 61 in Duluth. The EP funds will use $50,000 of the project’s existing budget and remains fiscally constrained. It was approved by MIC staff on 12/12/23, and has been made administratively to the 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP.
Administrative Modification #4 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #3
Administrative Modification #3: Updated Safety Performance Measure Targets
This modification, made by MIC staff, is a group of edits to the current TIP document to include updated safety performance measure targets to include the most recent data from MnDOT. This change has no impact on fiscal constraints, and has been made administratively to the 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP.
Administrative Modification #3 details
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Amendment #3 Approved by MIC Policy Board
The following amendment to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board:
Additional Funding for Bridge Improvements (2025)
MnDOT is requesting the use of additional federal Bridge Formula Funding Program (BFP) funds, along with additional state matching funds, for two projects currently programmed in the TIP for FY2025. These additional funds will be used to complete bridge deck overlays and flood seal treatments.
Public notice posted 12/5/2023: Amendment #3 Proposed for Approval (Opportunity for Public Comment)
Amendment 3 to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP will be brought forward for approval at the December 13, 2023 MIC Policy Board meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Amendment #2 Approved by MIC Policy Board
The following amendment to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board:
Addition of Highway Signage Project (2024)
MnDOT is requesting a new project for inclusion in the current Duluth Area TIP for highway sign replacement on MN 23 from Howard Rd to Becks Rd in Duluth in FY 2024. The project cost is $900.000 and is 100% funded by state funds. Because a portion of these improvements fall within the MIC’s planning area, it will be included in the current Duluth Area TIP.
Public notice posted 12/5/2023: Amendment #2 Proposed for Approval (Opportunity for Public Comment)
Amendment 2 to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP will be brought forward for approval at the December 13, 2023 MIC Policy Board meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Amendment #1 Approved by MIC Policy Board
The following amendment to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board
Addition of Trail Construction and Shoreline Stabilization Project (2024)
The City of Duluth is requesting the addition of a project along the Lakewalk in FY 2024, using funding awarded from the federal RAISE grant program.
This project will include multi-use trail construction and shoreline stabilization from Lake Ave to 28th Ave E, for a total project cost of $10,248,758 (Federal funding in the amount of $8,196,234 plus
City of Duluth matching funds in the amount of $2,052,524).
Public notice posted 12/5/2023: Amendment #1 Proposed for Approval (Opportunity for Public Comment)
Amendment 1 to the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP will be brought forward for approval at the December 13, 2023 MIC Policy Board meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #2
Administrative Modification #2: Funding Reduction (Project ID #6926-57)
MnDOT requested the reduction of funds for a safety project on Hwy 61 and Homestead Road for intersection conflict reductions. Due to more refined project estimates, the projected project cost has been reduced by $800,000. The revised total project cost is $1,077,778.
This change is within fiscal constraints, was approved by MIC staff on 12/12/23, and has been made administratively to the 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP.
Details about Administrative Modification #2
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Public Notice: Administrative Modification #1
Administrative Modification #1: Removal of Projects 6910-109 and 6982-342
MnDOT requested the removal of two projects from the 2024-2027 Duluth TIP. This modification is within fiscal constraints and was approved by MIC staff on 11/16/23.
Project ID# 6910-109: This project was intended to remove a historic bridge over Mission Creek. It is being removed due to cultural discoveries and will be delivered in a future fiscal year. The federal funds allocated to this project will be used to fund other district priorities, to be determined.
Project ID# 6982-342: This project was to make some nominal improvements for ADA compliance from Lake Ave to 26th Ave E. However, district priorities have changed due to budgetary constraints, and these funds will be allocated for similar purposes in the same fiscal year (2024) for other MnDOT projects.
Details about Administrative Modification #1
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan, these project changes do not require formal TIP Amendments and can be made as an Administrative Modification.
About Amendments and Administrative Modifications
Duluth Area TIP Approved for CY 2024-2027
Upon receiving state and federal approvals on 11/9/23, the 2024-2027 TIP is the current TIP for the Duluth Area (replacing the CY 2023-2026 version)
2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP Adopted by MIC Board
The Board voted unanimously to adopt the final 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP and the listed transportation improvement projects to receive federal funding for CY 2024-2027. No public comments were received at the meeting.
Note, until this TIP is approved by MnDOT and the FHWA, the Duluth Area TIP for CY 2023-2026 remains the current version.
Final TIP to be presented for Adoption by MIC Policy Board (Opportunity for Public Comment)
The final 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP will be presented for adoption at the August 16 meeting of the MIC Policy Board.
The meeting is open to the public and comments are welcome.
Public Input Session #1 - Proposed Duluth-Area Transportation Projects 2024-2027
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Virtual Meeting - See login/call-in info in body of post
The Draft 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists all projects that are being proposed to use federal transportation funds for the upcoming four years in the greater Duluth area.
This is the first of three public informational sessions on 7/20 and 7/21. Members of the public are invited and encouraged to participate in this virtual meeting to give input and get information about the projects being funded for the next four years.
Join on your computer or mobile app: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 218 167 989 407
Passcode: zxtPFb
Public Input Session #2 - Proposed Duluth-Area Transportation Projects 2024-2027
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Virtual Meeting - See login/call-in info in body of post
The Draft 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists all projects that are being proposed to use federal transportation funds for the upcoming four years in the greater Duluth area.
This is the second of three public informational sessions on 7/20 and 7/21. Members of the public are invited and encouraged to participate in this virtual meeting to give input and get information about the projects being funded for the next four years.
Join on your computer or mobile app: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 249 096 678 271
Passcode: DWXgeg
Public Input Session #3 - Proposed Duluth-Area Transportation Projects 2024-2027
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Virtual Meeting - See login/call-in info in body of post
The Draft 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists all projects that are being proposed to use federal transportation funds for the upcoming four years in the greater Duluth area.
This is the third of three public informational sessions on 7/20 and 7/21. Members of the public are invited and encouraged to participate in this virtual meeting to give input and get information about the projects being funded for the next four years.
Join on your computer or mobile app: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 218 059 687 519
Passcode: k9igKC
Draft TIP Open for Public Comment through 7/30/23
The draft TIP was approved by the MIC Policy Board for release for the required 30-day public comment period, effective July 1, 2023 through July 30, 2023
The draft TIP document lists all projects proposed for 2024-2027 and is now open for public review and input through 7/30/2023.
To comment:
Attend virtual input session on July 20 or 21 (details above)
Contact TIP Coordinator Prescott Morrill (contact info at right)
It will be presented to the MIC Policy Board for final approval at its meeting on August 16th, 2023 at 6:00pm. This meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
2027 Projects Presented for Inclusion in Draft 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP (Opportunity for Public Comment)
At the April MIC Board meeting, the new 2027 projects proposed by area jurisdictions to receive federal funding were presented for review and inclusion in the draft 2024-2027 Duluth Area TIP. These include:
Campus Connector Segment #6 – Transportation Alternatives (TA) funding: Campus Connector Trail segment along 32nd Ave E and Congdon Park Dr, from the Lakewalk to E 1st St (0.2 mi). City of Duluth project, $955,000 total ($586,028 federal funds, $368,972 local funds)
Arrowhead Rd – TA funding: Sidewalk construction from Menard Rd to Haines Rd (0.4 mi). St. Louis County project, $616,000 total ($282,492 federal funds, $333,508 local funds)
Railroad Street – Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) funding : Pavement resurfacing, storm sewer, curb & gutter, and sidewalk/ADA improvements from 5th Ave W to Canal Park Dr (0.4 mi). City of Duluth project, $1,300,000 total (971,750 federal funds, $328,250 local funds)
2027 TIP Project Solicitation
MIC staff distributed project applications to eligible agencies and jurisdictions — State of Minnesota (MnDOT), St. Louis County, cities with a population over 5,000 (Duluth and Hermantown), the Duluth Seaway Port Authority and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).
2027 Duluth area project submittals are due January 29, 2023.
Funded Projects
No projects match selected year
Map of Project Locations and Concentrations of Minority & Poverty Populations
Map-4-Project-Locations-Minority-and-Poverty-Populations.pdfMap of Project Locations and Historically Significant and Environmentally Sensitive Sites
Map-5-Project-Locations-Historical-Places-Sensitive-Species.pdfProgramming federally funded infrastructure projects for the next four years
It is part of the MIC’s role as an MPO to work with state and local agencies to prioritize and program the region’s transportation projects and services that will receive anticipated federal funds.
Before any surface transportation project in the Duluth area can be constructed with federal funding, it must be included in a current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that has been approved by the MIC Policy Board.
TIP Development Process
TIP development involves a series of sequential steps to reach the project approval stage. It is a coordinated effort among state, regional and local agencies and jurisdictions responsible for implementing transportation projects.*
The TIP is prepared in cooperation with MnDOT, local transit providers and area jurisdictions as required by federal surface transportation law (FAST Act), and also in cooperation with the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NE MN ATP) process.
The draft plan is made available for public comment, reviewed and approved by the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee and Policy Board, and submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
The TIP development schedule, below, reflects the availability of funds, coordination with MnDOT and the NE MN ATP, local capital improvement budget processes, MPO public involvement requirements and the STIP development process. Important schedule milestones include:
(Oct/Nov) Project solicitation – MPO Consultations with local jurisdictions
(Dec/Jan) Project solicitation – Applications distributed in December and due in January
(Feb) Proposed projects – Presented for review and approval by the TAC and MIC
(Mar) If approved, the proposed projects are forwarded on to the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NE MN ATP)
(Apr) Draft TIP document development
(May/Jun) Draft TIP Public Involvement and MnDOT review
(Jun) MPO Policy Board approval of final TIP
(Jul) Adopted TIP and Board Resolution submitted to MnDOT
(Nov) Federal review and action – November
(Dec) Incorporation into next year’s draft STIP by MnDOT
(Jan) Approved by reference in the federally approved STIP – January
*Eligible agencies and jurisdictions include the state of Minnesota (MnDOT), St. Louis County, the Cities of Duluth, Hermantown, Proctor and Rice Lake and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).
Public Involvement
Public participation is an integral part of transportation planning in general and the development of the TIP in particular. All public comments received for the draft document are presented for consideration by the Transportation Advisory Committee and the MIC Policy Board and are included in the final TIP.
How are TIP projects selected?
All projects must be identified in the MIC’s current 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan in support of the Duluth-Superior area’s goals and transportation system needs. In addition, the MIC evaluates and prioritizes each proposal based on the following criteria:
• Regional Benefit: What are the project’s merits/benefits and intended effect upon the regional transportation network and what are the project’s estimated benefits relative to its cost?
• Mobility: How will the project improve the mobility of people and goods?
• Planning Support: How will the project incorporate the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, other MIC studies and related plans and studies?
• Multimodal Connectivity: How does the project encompass multiple modes of travel?
• Environmental Impacts: Where is the project’s location and what potential environmental and community impacts does it potentially pose?
• Public Participation: What level of public participation has been undertaken or will take place for the proposed project?
Projects may be amended into the current, approved TIP throughout the year. Amendments usually modify existing projects as changes to the scope, cost or timeline for programmed projects occur. Sometimes new projects may be added if new funding becomes available. The process for developing and amending a TIP are specified in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan.
Performance Management
MAP-21 and FAST ACT require incorporation of Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) for use in the development of the MPO’s Transportation Improvement Plans.
The TIP includes a description of the anticipated effect of the TIP toward achieving the 23 C.F.R. 490 performance measure targets identified in the metropolitan transportation plan, linking investment priorities to those performance targets.