Federally funded infrastructure projects in Superior, WI
NOTE: This is a prior-year Transportation Improvement Program. Current projects are shown on the 2020-2023 Superior-area TIP page.
Sheldon Johnson
Phone: (715) 635-2197
NOTE: This is a prior-year Transportation Improvement Program. Current projects are shown on the 2020-2023 Superior-area TIP page.
Sheldon Johnson
Phone: (715) 635-2197
This TIP was replaced by the MIC’s 2020-2023 Superior-Area TIP upon receiving MIC Policy Board approval on 10/16/19.
A TIP amendment was requested by WisDOT for slope repairs on STH 13, to be completed by the Douglas County Highway Department no later than 10/31/19. Total cost is $74,900, funded 100% by WisDOT.
Details about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Board Presentation about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Opportunity for Public Comment at 9/18/19 MIC Meeting was posted on 9/11/19.
A TIP amendment was requested by Douglas County for preliminary engineering work in 2019 for a future reconstruction project on CTH C from Irondale Road to STH 35. Total cost is $137,000, funded 100% by the County.
Details about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Board Presentation about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Opportunity for Public Comment at 9/18/19 MIC Meeting was posted on 9/11/19.
A TIP amendment was requested by Douglas County for preliminary engineering work in 2019 for a future reconstruction project on CTH C from the Minnesota State Line to CTH W/Barnes Road. Total cost is $137,000, funded 100% by the County.
Details about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Board Presentation about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Opportunity for Public Comment at 9/18/19 MIC Meeting was posted on 9/11/19.
A TIP amendment was requested by Douglas County for preliminary engineering work in 2019 for a future reconstruction project on CTH Z from Lyman Lake Road to the west ramps with USH 53. Total cost is $137,000, funded 100% by the County.
Details about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Board Presentation about Amendments #10, 11, 12 &13
Opportunity for Public Comment at 9/18/19 MIC Meeting was posted on 9/11/19.
WisDOT requested a TIP amendment for repairs to roadway due to buckling from the USH2/USH 53 Interchange to Moccasin Mike Road. Total cost is $64,000.
Details about Amendments #8 and 9
Board Presentation about Amendments #8 and 9
Opportunity for Public Comment at 8/21/19 MIC Meeting was posted on 8/13/19.
WisDOT requested a TIP amendment for preliminary design work to begin for a planned Blatnik Bridge replacement project tentatively scheduled for 2028. WisDOT and MnDOT are equal partners on sharing in the cost of the bridge replacement, with MnDOT being the lead agency on the replacement project. Total preliminary design is $9,000,000 with WisDOT responsible for half the project cost.
Details about Amendments #8 and 9
Board Presentation about Amendments #8 and 9
Opportunity for Public Comment at 8/21/19 MIC Meeting was posted on 8/13/19.
WisDOT has requested a TIP amendment for preliminary design work for a bridge rehabilitation project. STH 13 bridge B-16-0024, spanning over USH 2/STH 53, is located in the Town of Parkland. Rehabilitation work on the bridge is not planned to begin until CY 2026.
Board Presentation about Amendment #7
Opportunity for Public Comment at 6/25/19 MIC Meeting was posted on 6/18/19.
WisDOT requested the sixth Amendment to the current TIP, to fund a project to repair segments of CTH K damaged by severe weather and flooding that occurred in June of 2018 . Work will include shoulder washout repairs and repairs for undermined/missing asphalt. The work activity has already been completed.
View summary of all Superior-area transportation projects that used federal highway (FHWA) and transit (FTA) funds last year.
WisDOT requested the fifth of five Amendments,, to an existing rail project (113-17-012) listed in the 2019-2022 Superior TIP. The WisDOT Rail Projects Review Committee has approved a scope change, cost estimate increase, cost share adjustment and schedule change for WisDOT Project ID 8010-07-50 in the WisDOT Rail-Highway Crossing Safety Program. The project is planned to beginning development phase in 2019 and construction in 2020.
The City of Superior requested the fourth of five Amendments, for work planned for the replacement of the bridge structure on Marina Drive, approximately 0.04 miles in length. This project will utilize STP Urban funding totaling $228,882 available to the City of Superior through WisDOT. Replacement of the bridge structure is scheduled for CY 2022.
This federally funded project will be done in conjunction with a City of Superior locally funded project that will make roadway and pedestrian/bicycle improvements to the east/west road segments, including new curb/gutter, sidewalk, and other improvements.
WisDOT requested the third of 5 Amendments. This project enables the Challenge Center to replace a current 2003 Dodge Caravan vehicle with a new Minivan, Side-load equipped. Projected 2019 ridership is to carry 14,858 disabled and 1,829 disability (non-ambulatory) one way trips. Federal funds for this project are made available through the Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities) Program administered by WisDOT.
WisDOT requested the second of 5 Amendments. This project enables North Country Independent Living Center (NCIL) the ability to operate a mobility management program funding staff member who coordinate rides for the region’s population seniors and individuals with disabilities, and also work to expand their service, provide outreach and information of transportation options to residents, and work to coordinate rides with other providers. Federal funds for this project are made available through the Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities) Program administered by WisDOT. The project will span January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019.
WisDOT requested the first of 5 Amendments to the FY 2019-2022 Superior Urbanized Area TIP, to enable North Country Independent Living Center (NCIL) the ability to continue its transportation voucher program through 2018 to eligible clients throughout northern Wisconsin (eight-county area including; Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Sawyer, and Washburn).
WisDOT has proposed using a rail-highway crossing safety placeholder for a 2019 rail crossing road closure initiative along a BNSF rail line. The existing WisDOT TIP number 113-17-010 will be used for the proposed project. Project 113-17-010 is currently listed in the 2019-2022 Superior TIP.
Final approvals were granted by the state and federal agencies – making this the current working Transportation Improvement Program for the Superior, WI area.
The 2019-2022 Superior Urbanized Area TIP was presented and approved at the MIC meeting. View Presentation to the Board about the Superior Area TIP and the projects included for 2022.
No formal public comments were received on the Draft document, but some minor editing to the plan narrative was completed to align with changes and additions. Below is a summary of changes from the draft that were incorporated into the final TIP (see Document tab, above, to view).
A public information meeting will be held to review and comment on the Draft 2019-2022 Superior Area TIP :
10:30 – 11:30 am / Douglas County Government Center Atrium (located at 1316 N. 14th Street, Superior, WI)
The Draft document is open for review and comment through September 30, 2018 (see ‘Document’ tab, above, to view).
Project requests were forwarded to representative agencies soliciting candidate multi-modal transportation projects for CY 2022.
The Superior Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is designed to meet the following purposes:
All projects must be identified in the MIC’s current 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan in support of the Duluth-Superior area’s goals and transportation system needs. In addition, the MIC evaluates and prioritizes each proposal based on the following criteria:
We work with local communities to determine how our increasingly scarce share of federal transportation dollars are spent. These are the projects solicited, evaluated and approved by the MIC Policy Board, as described in the timeline, below. The TIP is developed with the guidance of the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee and Policy Board, and prepared in cooperation with WisDOT, local transit providers and area jurisdictions as required by federal surface transportation law (FAST Act). It is made available for public comment, and submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
Amendments may be made to the current, approved TIP throughout the year. Amendments usually reflect changes that occur to programmed projects (including scope, cost and/or construction dates). Sometimes new projects may be added if new funding becomes available. The formal processes for developing and amending a TIP are specified in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan.