New Duluth Area TIP Adopted for CY 2022-2025

This TIP was replaced by the MIC’s 2022-2025 Duluth-Area TIP upon receiving MIC Policy Board approval on 8/25/21 and state and federal approvals on 10/29/21.

Amendment #6 - Approved

The City of Duluth and St. Louis County requested that changes be made to the scopes of work for their FY 2022 federal-aid projects #118-160-024 and 069-609-047 to reduce the length of the Woodland Avenue resurfacing project; add turn lanes on northbound Woodland Ave to eastbound Snively Road; and remove traffic signals from the Duluth portion of project and add them to St. Louis County project.

Amendment #6 Details

Public notice posted 8/11/2021:
This Amendment will be brought forward for approval at the August 25, 2021 meeting. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, a formal Amendment is needed since the scopes of work are being changed for projects currently programmed in the approved TIP.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modifications #20-24 - Public Notice

The City of Duluth and St. Louis County have requested that changes be made to coordinate their FY 2022 Woodland Ave, Snively Road and Glenwood Street repaving projects:

  • 069-637-025 – no scope change and project cost changed less than 50%.
  • 118-163-004 – project removed from TIP now associated with project # 69-637-025.
  • 118-162-016 – project removed from TIP now associated with project #069-637-025.
  • 118-157-023- project removed from TIP now associated with project #069-609-047.
  • 069-637-026 – project removed from TIP, now associated with project # 069-609-047.

The proposed changes do not meet the thresholds required for an Amendment and have been administratively made to the TIP.  They were reported to the MIC Policy Board at its August 25, 2021 meeting.

Details of Adminstrative Modifications #20-24

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed changes conform to Administrative Modification guidelines.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modification #19 - Public Notice

MnDOT requested changes to the project year and cost for the CN/DMIR Railroad Crossing Safety Improvement Project (#69-00212) in the 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP. The project year change is to swap years with another railroad crossing project outside of the MIC Area. The cost increase is due to an updated estimate. There are no changes to the scope with this project.

The proposed changes do not meet the thresholds required for an Amendment and have been administratively made to the TIP.  They were reported to the MIC Policy Board at its August 25, 2021 meeting.

Details of Adminstrative Modification #19

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed changes conform to Administrative Modification guidelines.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #5 - Approved

A request was made to increase the total cost of the St. Louis County/MnDOT Bridge Bundling Project from $15 million to $20 million. There have not been any changes to the scope of the project. The cost increase reflects unexpected conditions encountered during design. The cost increase is partially covered by a new funding source, which is the Bridge Repair/Replace Off System (BROS) funding, in addition to the Federal Funds Miscellaneous (FFM). The only bridge project within the MPO is the Skyline Parkway Bridge in Proctor.

Amendment #5 Details

Public notice posted 6/9/2021:
This Amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on June 16, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed change requires a TIP Amendment since the change adds a new federally-funded project to the current approved TIP.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #4 - Approved

The Duluth Transit Authority (DTA) made a request to add a new federally funded project to the 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP, to purchase two (2) new 40-foot diesel buses to replace existing regular route transit vehicles. This project was selected by the MnDOT Office of Transit and Active Transportation on April 8, 2021 with the use of FTA Section 5339 funding, and the funds must be spent by June 30, 2021.

Amendment #4 Details

Public notice posted 4/13/2021:
This Amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on April 21, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed change requires a TIP Amendment since the change adds a new federally-funded project to the current approved TIP.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modifications #15-18 - Public Notice

MnDOT requested several minor project changes to the TIP, none of which met the financial thresholds required for an Amendment and have been administratively made to the TIP.  They were reported to the MIC Policy Board at the April 21, 2021 meeting.

Details of Adminstrative Modifications #15-18

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed changes conform to Administrative Modification guidelines.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #3 - Approved

A request was made by the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission’s (ARDC) Regional Transportation Coordinating Council (RTCC) to add a new mobility management project to the 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP.  It is funded through a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 grant for private non-profit groups to meet the transportation mobility needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Amendment #3 Details

Public notice posted 3/10/2021:
This Amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on March 17, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed change requires a TIP Amendment since the change adds a new federally-funded project to the current approved TIP.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modifications #9-14 - Public Notice

Three jurisdictions (MnDOT and the City of Duluth) requested several minor project changes. None of the changes met the financial thresholds required for an Amendment and have been administratively made to the TIP.  They were reported to the MIC Policy Board at the February 17, 2021 meeting.

Details of Adminstrative Modifications #9-14

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed changes conform to Administrative Modification guidelines.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #2 - Approved

MnDOT requested a change to the FY 2021 Morris Thomas Road Project due to an increase in the total project cost. There is no scope change; the cost increase is on the local side and is due to an administrative error made when the Morris Thomas Road projects were combined in December 2020.

Amendment #2 Details

Public notice posted 1/13/2021:
This Amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on January 20, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed change requires a TIP Amendment because the total project cost increase is more than 35% of its originally programmed total.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modification #8 - Public Notice

MnDOT requested the addition of a new state funded concrete overlay project on Hwy. 53 and revised the cost estimate from $12.4 million to $9.7 million. There is no scope change with this project; it is a state-funded project that does not meet the MIC’s “regionally significant” definition and therefore does not require a formal Amendment. It was reported to the MIC Policy Board at the January 20, 2021 meeting.

Details of Adminstrative Modification #8

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed changes conform to Administrative Modification guidelines.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #1 - Approved

St. Louis County requested that the intersection improvement project at US Hwy 2 and Morris Thomas Road be combined with the Morris Thomas Road resurfacing project.  Both projects are currently programmed in the TIP for FY 2021.

Amendment #1 Details

Public notice posted 12/2/2020:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on December 9, 2020. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.

In accordance with the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, a TIP Amendment is necessary because an originally programmed project is being deleted, and with the addition of the intersection improvements, the scope of the existing Morris Thomas Road resurfacing project will include a new phase of work.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Public Notice: Administrative Modifications 1-7

Three jurisdictions (MnDOT, St. Louis County and the City of Duluth) requested several project changes; none met the financial thresholds required for a formal Amendment and have been administratively made to the TIP.  They were reported to the MIC Policy Board at the December 9, 2020 meeting.

Details of Adminstrative Modifications #1 – 7

Based on the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed changes conform to Administrative Modification guidelines.

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

New Duluth Area TIP Adopted for CY 2021-2024

The 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP was adopted upon receiving MIC Policy Board approval on 6/24/20 and state and federal approvals on 11/23/20.

2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP Approved by MIC Board

The Board voted unanimously to approve the document and the listed Duluth-area projects for federal funding for CY 2021-2024. No public comments were received at the meeting.

Note, until this TIP is approved by the FHWA, the current version remains the 2020-2023 Duluth Area TIP.

Draft 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP to be Presented for Approval by MIC Board (Opportunity for Public Comment)

The draft Duluth Area TIP for 2021-2024 will be presented at the online MIC Policy Board meeting on June 24, 2020.

The meeting is open to the public and comments on the draft TIP are welcome.

Presentation about Proposed Transportation Projects 2021-2024

Click to view presentation from 6/11/20 virtual open house:

To ask questions or to comment:

●  Contact TIP Coordinator James Gittemeier by email or call 218-529-7556.

●  Attend the MIC Board meeting on June 24, 2020. The Draft TIP, along with all comments received, will be considered for final approval and public comments will be taken.

Opportunity to Review and Comment on Draft TIP

Virtual Open House #3 - for the Draft 2021-2024 Duluth TIP
Date & Time
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Online or Call-In

The Draft Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, lists all projects that are being proposed for construction, using federal transportation funds, for the upcoming four years in the greater Duluth area.

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to participate in this virtual “open house” to get information about the 2021-2024 TIP, ask questions and give comments.

Login and call-in information:

Click here to Join Microsoft Teams Meeting online

Dial +1 218-302-4275 to join meeting by phone

Conference ID: 618 417 968#

This is the third of three public informational sessions to be held on Thursday, 6/11/20.

Opportunity to Review and Comment on Draft TIP

Virtual Open House #2 - for the Draft 2021-2024 Duluth TIP
Date & Time
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Online or Call-In

The Draft Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, lists all projects that are being proposed for construction, using federal transportation funds, for the upcoming four years in the greater Duluth area.

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to participate in this virtual “open house” to get information about the 2021-2024 TIP, ask questions and give comments.

Login and call-in information:

Click here to Join Microsoft Teams Meeting online

Dial +1 218-302-4275 to join meeting by phone

Conference ID: 661 999 324#

This is the second of three public informational sessions to be held on Thursday, 6/11/20.

Opportunity to Review and Comment on Draft TIP

Virtual Open House #1 - for the Draft 2021-2024 Duluth TIP
Date & Time
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Online or Call-In

The Draft Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, lists all projects that are being proposed for construction, using federal transportation funds, for the upcoming four years in the greater Duluth area.

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to participate in this virtual “open house” to get information about the 2021-2024 TIP, ask questions and give comments.

Login and call-in information:

Click here to Join Microsoft Teams Meeting online

Dial +1 218-302-4275 to join meeting by phone

Conference ID: 597 286 974#

This is the first of three public informational sessions to be held on Thursday, 6/11/20.

Draft TIP Released for Public Comment through June 19

Comments on the Draft TIP are now being taken. Click on the icon at left to view document.

There are several ways to have your say:

● Contact TIP Coordinator James Gittemeier (click to email) or call 218-529-7556

● Participate in a virtual TIP Open House at one of the three sessions scheduled for Thursday, June 11 at 9-10:00 am, 12 noon-1:00 pm, and 4-5:00 pm.

● Attend the MIC Board meeting on June 24, 2020. The Draft TIP, along with all comments received, will be considered for final approval and public comments will be taken.

2024 Projects to be Presented for Approval by TAC and MIC

At the March TAC and MIC meetings, the projects proposed for inclusion in the 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP will be presented for review and approval.

If approved, the projects will be forwarded on to the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NE MN ATP) for funding consideration as part of the process for developing the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

Proposed Transportation Projects for FY 2024

Proposals for 11 roadway and transit projects, totaling nearly $40 million, have been received for federal transportation (FHWA & FTA) funding for FY 2024.

View details of the 2024 projects proposed for inclusion in the 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP.

In March, the projects will be presented to the TAC and MIC Policy Board for consideration.

2024 TIP project solicitation period begins

MIC staff distributed project applications to eligible agencies and jurisdictions — State of Minnesota (MnDOT), St. Louis County, cities with a population over 5,000 (Duluth and Hermantown), the Duluth Seaway Port Authority and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).

2024 Duluth area project submittals are due January 3, 2020.

Funded Projects

No projects match selected year

Final 2021-2024 Duluth Area TIP (Eff. 11/23/20)


Click on the link above to view document, and see post below to view map of proposed projects.

Map of 2021-2024 Duluth-Area TIP Projects


The projects proposed for federal funding are the heart of the TIP document. Click link, above, to view the PDF version. Click map below to view online interactive version:

If programmed in the TIP, it means that some of our highest-priority road, transit, and bicycle/pedestrian projects have been funded and are being designed and/or built, consistent with the transportation vision for our region described in the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan.

TIP Basics

•   Each metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)—a comprehensive listing of the area’s federally funded transportation improvements planned for the short range (next 4 years).

•   The TIP is developed with the guidance of the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee and Policy Board, and prepared in cooperation with MnDOT, local transit providers and area jurisdictions as required by federal surface transportation law (FAST Act).

•   The draft TIP is made available for a 30-day public comment period, in mid-May.

How are TIP projects selected?

All projects must be identified in the MIC’s current 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan in support of the Duluth-Superior area’s goals and transportation system needs. In addition, the MIC evaluates and prioritizes each proposal based on the following criteria:

  • Regional Benefit:  What are the project’s merits/benefits and intended effect upon the regional transportation network and what are the project’s estimated benefits relative to its cost?
  • Mobility: How will the project improve the mobility of people and goods?
  • Planning Support: How will the project incorporate the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, other MIC studies and related plans and studies?
  • Multimodal Connectivity: How does the project encompass multiple modes of travel?
  • Environmental Impacts: Where is the project’s location and what potential environmental and community impacts does it potentially pose?
  • Public Participation: What level of public participation has been undertaken or will take place for the proposed project?

Coordination with State and Regional Processes

We work with local communities to determine how our increasingly scarce share of federal transportation dollars are spent.  These are the projects solicited, evaluated and approved by the MIC Policy Board, as described in the timeline, below. A simultaneous but separate process is held to program projects throughout the 8-county Arrowhead region by the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NE MN ATP). All Duluth area transportation projects that are approved and/or amended in the MIC’s TIP must also be listed in MnDOT’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program to be able to receive federal funds.

TIP Development Timeline

For the Duluth Area TIP, the development process runs from October, when the MIC begins discussions about possible projects with eligible jurisdictions* through August of the following year, when the final TIP is approved by the MIC Policy Board.

  • October: Pre-application meetings to review Long Range Plan with eligible jurisdictions*
  • Nov/Dec: MIC staff distributes project applications to eligible jurisdictions*
  • January: Project applications received.
  • February: Project applications are put forward for public review and comment.
  • March: MIC staff reviews and scores projects according to evaluation criteria and presents them to the TAC to be scored and ranked according to priority. The TAC scores the projects and staff presents the projects and the TAC scores to the MIC Policy Board for their review and approval.
  • Apr/May: Project applications as prioritized by the MIC Policy Board are forwarded to the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NE MN ATP) for funding consideration within the investment guidelines for that project year.
  • May/Jun: Draft TIP produced and released for public comment.
  • July: Public participation initiatives to encourage public review and comment.
  • August: Final TIP presented for approval by MIC Policy Board.*

*Eligible agencies and jurisdictions include the state of Minnesota (MnDOT), St. Louis County, cities with a population over 5,000 (Duluth and Hermantown), the Duluth Seaway Port Authority and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).


Projects may be amended into the current, approved TIP throughout the year.  Amendments usually modify existing projects as changes to the scope, cost or timeline for programmed projects occur. Sometimes new projects may be added if new funding becomes available. The formal processes for developing and amending a TIP are specified in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan.