Amendment #22 Approved

The City of Superior requested a TIP amendment to add a project to replace the bridge structure on Marina Drive in CY 2022, This project will utilize STP Urban funding totaling $228,882 available to the City of Superior through WisDOT, and will be done in conjunction with a City of Superior locally funded project that will make roadway and pedestrian/bicycle improvements to the east/west road segments, including new curb/gutter, sidewalk, and other improvements.

View details of Amendment #22

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendments #10-21 Approved

WisDOT requested multiple Amendments (#10-20) to add projects to mitigate damage to Superior-area roadways due to the severe weather and flooding that occurred in June of 2018.

In addition they requested an amendment (#21) to include the federally required Transit Asset Management Targets for inclusion within the 2018-2021 TIP.

View details of Amendments #10-21

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #9 Approved

Federal (FAST Act) transportation legislation requires all MPOs to apply Performance-Based Planning and Programming in the development of their Long-Range Transportation Plans and Transportation Improvement Plans. Therefore the MIC’s Superior-area TIP must include a description of the anticipated effect of the funded projects listed in the TIP toward achieving the performance measures targets, linking investment priorities to those performance targets. Specific language, developed in accordance with guidance from WisDOT, and as specified in MIC Resolution 18-10, was presented and approved to be amended into the 2018-2021 Superior-area TIP.

View details of Amendment #9 – MIC Resolution 18-10

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

CY 2017 Obligated Projects - Public Notice

Amendments #7 and 8 Approved

Douglas County requested a TIP amendment to add projects in 2018-2019 to add a flashing beacon at the CN rail bridge on CTH Z in the Town of Parkland.

View details of Amendments #7 and 8

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Safety Performance Measures Adopted

For the Wisconsin portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-05, adopting the WisDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2018, as follows:

# of Traffic fatalities = 556.1 Rate of Fatalities = 0.917/100MVMT

# of Serious injuries = 3,023.9 Rate of Serious Injuries = 4.997/100MVMT

# of Non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries = 343.3

These will be included with a complete write-up in the next (2019-2022) update of the TIP.

Amendments 4, 5 and 6 Approved

WisDOT requested amendments to the FY 2018-2021 Superior Urbanized Area TIP, to include additional projects in  2018 and 2019.

View details of Amendments #4, 5 and 6

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendments 1, 2 and 3 Approved

WisDOT requested amendments to the FY 2018-2021 Superior Urbanized Area TIP, to enable North Country Independent Living Center (NCIL) the ability to continue its transportation voucher program through 2018 to eligible clients throughout northern Wisconsin (eight-county area including; Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Sawyer, and Washburn).

View details of Amendments #1, 2 and 3

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Final 2018-2021 Superior Area TIP Approved

The Final TIP document was approved by the MIC Policy Board (see ‘Documents’ tab to view). No comments were received during the public comment period. Eight projects are included for federal funding in 2021, including one roadway project and seven rail projects (which mainly include flashing lights and gates at the various intersections).  Also, newly included since the draft was released is the Blatnik Bridge inspection being done with WI state funds to determine the condition of the bridge.

View Presentation to the Board about the Superior Area TIP and the projects included for 2021.

Start of 30-day Public Comment period for draft 2018-2021 Superior TIP

The Draft document is open for review and comment through October 2, 2017 (see ‘Document’ tab to view).

For more information, click to view:

Presentation to the MIC Board about the transportation projects proposed for the Superior, WI area for FY 2021

Map of all projects proposed for the 2018-2021 Superior TIP

Legal Notice about release of the Draft 2018-2021 Superior TIP

Project requests sent to representative agencies

Project requests were forwarded to representative agencies soliciting candidate multi-modal transportation projects for CY 2021.

Funded Projects

No projects match selected year

2018-2021 Superior Urbanized Area Transportation Improvement Program


This is the final version approved by the MIC Board 10/17/17.  Note, subsequent amendments and changes are documented in the ‘Updates’ tab.

2018-2021 Superior Urbanized Area DRAFT Transportation Improvement Program


This is the Draft document that was open for review and comment September 1, 2017 through October 2, 2017.

The Superior Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is intended to meet the following purposes:
  • To ensure that federal investments are tied to planning, priorities and policies as defined in the MIC’s current Long Range Transportation Plan;
  • To identify and implement transportation improvements which will increase transportation mobility, access and safety;
  • To identify proposed transportation projects by mode, type of improvement, funding source(s), and geographic area;
  • To identify the costs of projects proposed for federal funding, consistent with the federal funds anticipated to be available to the area.
    How are TIP projects selected?

    It is part of the MIC’s role as an MPO to work with state and local agencies to prioritize which of the region’s transportation services and projects should receive anticipated federal funds.  All projects must be identified in the MIC’s current 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan in support of the Duluth-Superior area’s goals and transportation system needs. In addition, the MIC evaluates and prioritizes each proposal based on the following criteria:

    • Regional Benefit:  What are the project’s merits/benefits and intended effect upon the regional transportation network and what are the project’s estimated benefits relative to its cost?
    • Mobility: How will the project improve the mobility of people and goods?
    • Planning Support: How will the project incorporate the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, other MIC studies and related plans and studies?
    • Multimodal Connectivity: How does the project encompass multiple modes of travel?
    • Environmental Impacts: Where is the project’s location and what potential environmental and community impacts does it potentially pose?
    • Public Participation: What level of public participation has been undertaken or will take place for the proposed project?
    Coordination with State and Regional Processes

    The TIP is developed in cooperation with WisDOT, local transit providers and area jurisdictions as required by federal surface transportation law (FAST Act).  It is made available for comment by the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee and Policy Board and the public, and submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

    TIP Amendments and Administrative Modifications

    Amendments may be made to the current, approved TIP throughout the year. Amendments are required if significant changes to the scope, cost or timeline for programmed projects occur; sometimes new projects may be added if new funding becomes available. Amendments are presented for approval by the MIC Policy Board. Not every change to a project, however, requires a formal amendment.  Amendments are required for new projects and for project changes resulting in a cost increase of $1 million dollars or more.  Other types of changes are defined as minor changes and are described in Administrative Modifications. These are published in the ‘Updates’ section of this page and forwarded to the state DOT but do not require Board approval.   Proposed amendments include opportunities for public comment, as noted in the ‘Updates’ section of this page.  The guidelines for distinguishing between major and minor project changes and the process for amending the current TIP is described in detail in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan.