Many Needs, Limited Resources

We are looking ahead 25 years to update the Duluth-Superior area’s long range transportation plan. It puts forth a vision for a multi-modal transportation system that not only supports the diverse needs of people and commerce but is also economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable over time.

Sustainable Choices 2045, the 2020-2045 update to the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, is presented in sections, below, to make it easier to download and view.

Public Involvement Initiatives for this Plan

Public participation input is a key foundation of this Plan. Given that the cost of needed improvements to the transportation system far exceeds available funding, difficult choices must be made in the use of our scarce transportation dollars.

The long term effect of these choices makes it critical that the public be included in a dynamic decision-making process to determine this community’s priorities. The development of the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan included multiple public participation initiatives that sought input, in a variety of formats and settings, from a wide range of area stakeholders.

The following is a chronological listing of the opportunities provided for public input throughout the plan’s development:

2045 Update of MIC Long Range Transportation Plan Approved by Policy Board

The final draft of Sustainable Choices 2045 was presented to and adopted by the MIC Policy Board as the Update of its Long Range Transportation Plan for 2020-2045.

Final Plan to Be Presented for Board Approval - Opportunity for Public Comment

Comments received on the Draft plan during the 30-day comment period have been documented and incorporated into the final version, along with other minor edits to text and project list. (See “Final Plan” tab, above, to view PDF document).

Sustainable Choices 2045 in its final form will be presented to the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee at its meeting on Tuesday, October 15, and then to the MIC Board for formal approval and adoption at its meeting on Wednesday, October 16.

Both meetings are open to the public and will provide the last opportunities for comment on this Plan prior to its approval.

Public Open House to Review the Long Range Plan

Long Range Plan Open House #2
Date & Time
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Superior Public Library
1530 Tower Avenue, Superior

You are invited and encouraged to drop by to review and comment on the draft version of Sustainable Choices 2045, the Duluth-Superior Area’s Long Range Plan.

Sustainable Choices 2045 is a long-term plan for a transportation system that supports the many needs of people and commerce in our area and Is economically, socially and environmentally viable over the next 25 years.

You can view the document at

Public Open House to Review the Long Range Plan

Long Range Plan Open House #1
Date & Time
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Duluth Folk School
1917 West Superior Street, Duluth

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to drop by to review and comment on the draft version of Sustainable Choices 2045, the Duluth-Superior Area’s Long Range Plan.

Sustainable Choices 2045 is a long-term plan for a transportation system that supports the many needs of people and commerce in our area and Is economically, socially and environmentally viable over the next 25 years.

You can view the document at

Another open house will be held in Superior, WI on August 22.

Draft Plan Open for 30-day Public Comment Period

See “Related Materials” section on this page, and click on links to view the draft chapters.

The intent of this release is to allow members of the public, the LRTP advisory committee, the MIC Policy Board, and federal and state oversight agencies to review and comment on the Draft document before it is presented to the MIC Board.

All comments should be directed to Mike Wenholz (contact info, above), in writing, by 5:00 pm on Friday, August 30, 2019.

Comments and questions are also welcomed at two public open-house style information sessions on Thursday, August 8, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Duluth Folk School (1917 W Superior St) and Thursday, August 22 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Superior Public Library (1530 Tower Ave).

Preliminary Draft Chapters Open for Review and Comment

See “Related Materials” section, above, and click on links to view the preliminary drafts of the chapters.

The intent of this release is to allow members of the LRTP advisory committee and oversight agencies, including MnDOT and FHWA, to review the content before the Draft document is released for the 30-day public comment period (on 7/29).

All comments should be directed to Mike Wenholz (contact info, above).

Consultation Meeting #2 - Opportunity for Public Comment

LRTP 2045 Resources & Human Services Consultation Meeting #2
Date & Time
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
221 West First Street Duluth MN 55802

This is the second of two consultation meetings to review the federally funded projects proposed for inclusion in Sustainable Choices 2045.

We are particularly interested in understanding any possible environmental, social, and/or economic impacts of these proposed projects, from the perspective of agencies, groups or organizations with a mission or interest in environmental or historic preservation; and/or human services, transportation equity and/or people with mobility challenges in our community.

Proposed Projects
The heart of the Plan is the list of federally-funded transportation projects proposed by the state DOTs, counties, cities and townships within the greater metropolitan area of Duluth and Superior, to be implemented for the next 25 years (from 2020-2045).  It also includes projects identified as “Unfunded Needs” and “Projects for Study.”

Click here to view an interactive map of the proposed transportation projects.

Why Consultation?
To give agencies, groups or organizations with interests in environmental and historic preservation, and low-income, minority, aging and disabled populations a meaningful opportunity for input into the transportation needs for the Duluth-Superior area for the next 25 years.

Meeting is open to the public.

Consultation Meeting #1 - Opportunity for Public Comment

LRTP 2045 Resources & Human Services Consultation Meeting #1
Date & Time
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
221 West First Street Duluth MN 55802

This is the first of two consultation meetings to review the federally funded projects proposed for inclusion in Sustainable Choices 2045.

We are particularly interested in understanding any possible environmental, social, and/or economic impacts of these proposed projects, from the perspective of agencies, groups or organizations with a mission or interest in environmental or historic preservation; and/or human services, transportation equity and/or people with mobility challenges in our community.

Proposed Projects
The heart of the Plan is the list of federally-funded transportation projects proposed by the state DOTs, counties, cities and townships within the greater metropolitan area of Duluth and Superior, to be implemented for the next 25 years (from 2020-2045).  It also includes projects identified as “Unfunded Needs” and “Projects for Study.”

Click here to view an interactive map of the proposed transportation projects.

Why Consultation?
To give agencies, groups or organizations with interests in environmental and historic preservation, and low-income, minority, aging and disabled populations a meaningful opportunity for input into the transportation needs for the Duluth-Superior area for the next 25 years.

Meeting is open to the public.

Jurisdictional Consultation #10 - St. Louis County Suburban Townships

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff will present information to officials at the Duluth Area Townships (DAT) meeting, to (a) present this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals and (b) to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045.

Jurisdictional Consultation #9 - City of Duluth

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with planners and engineers from the City of Duluth to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #8 - City of Superior

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with planners and engineers from the City of Superior to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #7 - DTA

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with planners from the Duluth Transit Authority to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #6 - City of Proctor

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with City of Proctor officials to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #5 - St. Louis County

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with planners and engineers from St. Louis County to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by their jurisdictions from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #4 - WisDOT and Douglas County Suburban Townships

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with planners and engineers from WisDOT, Douglas County and NWRPC to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by their jurisdictions from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #3 - City of Hermantown

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with planners and engineers from the City of Hermantown to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #2 - MnDOT

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with planners and engineers from MnDOT District One to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Jurisdictional Consultation #1 - City of Rice Lake

As part of developing of the required project list and fiscal constraint components of the Plan, MIC planning staff met with City of Rice Lake officials to discuss the transportation projects to be implemented by this jurisdiction from 2020-2045, as well as this Plan’s long-term vision and area-wide multi-modal goals.

Take the Phase 2 Survey!

We are building off responses from our Phase 1 Survey to dig deeper: What are your transportation-related priorities? What tradeoffs would you accept? Your input is essential to better target our limited financial resources toward meeting our transportation needs, now and in the future.  Click on the graphic, below. to take the Phase 2 survey. It’s interesting, interactive and will take 5 minutes or less. It’s open through December 31.

Take the survey - click to begin

LRTP Advisory Committee Meeting

LRTP 2045 Study Committee Meeting #3
Date & Time
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
221 West First Street Duluth MN 55802

Purpose of meeting is to review the MetroQuest Phase 1 survey before it is released to the public. The purpose of the Phase 1 survey is to educate the public about the broad themes of the LRTP (limited resources, sustainable transportation choices) and to receive feedback on those themes.

Meeting is open to the public.

Shape our community's vision by taking the Phase 1 Survey

In the Phase 1 survey, we are asking you to help determine future transportation priorities for our area. It should take about 10 minutes to complete and is open through July 3, 2018. Your answers will be completely anonymous and survey results will be incorporated into our final plan. The funds to build and maintain our transportation system come largely from public sources (such as gas taxes, property taxes, fares and fees). Your input is essential to understanding our community’s priorities to target these limited financial resources toward meeting our transportation goals.

LRTP Advisory Committee Meeting

LRTP 2045 Study Committee Meeting #2
Date & Time
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
221 West First Street Duluth MN 55802

Purpose of meeting is to review the draft version of the MetroQuest Phase 1 survey.

Meeting is open to the public.

LRTP Advisory Committee Kickoff Meeting

LRTP 2045 Study Committee Meeting #1
Date & Time
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
1201 Tower Ave
Superior, WI 54880

Kickoff meeting will introduce TAC members to the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan and give an overview of the role of the Study Committee.

Work on the LRTP will continue now through September 2019.  Meeting is open to the public.

With Sustainable Connections 2045 we are updating the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, urbanized area. The LRTP presents a long-range (25 year) strategy to guide the effective investment of public funds for multi-modal transportation infrastructure throughout the Duluth-Superior area. It is updated every five years in accordance with federal and state requirements, and reflects local planning initiatives and incorporates public input.

Sustainable Connections 2045 also provides the foundation for the annual development of the Duluth and Superior Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), short-range capital improvement programs that implement some of the needed highway, transit and bikeway projects identified in the project lists, as well as for the MIC’s annual work program activities. Topics that Sustainable Connections 2045 will address include:

•  Transportation priorities, goals and objectives for the Duluth-Superior metro

•  Census-based adjustments to population, employment and travel data

•  Update of the MIC area urban boundary and functional classification changes

•  Update the travel-demand model to identify current and future deficiencies in the road network

•  Safety, efficiency and connectivity of the multimodal transportation network

•  Technology acquisition and partnership strategy in support of performance-based planning

•  Proposed system improvements

•  Fiscally constrained projects

•  Financial analysis

•  Public involvement process for developing the 2045 LRTP

Key Issues

Looking ahead 25 years, here are some of the main issues we’ll be facing:

•  There’s a Lot of Infrastructure Our transportation system includes all the roads, sidewalks and pedestrian paths, bikeways, railroads, shipping channels and port facilities, airports, transit facilities, bridges; traffic lights and signs, as well as maintenance equipment, safety systems and more, that support the movement of people and goods.

•  It’s Getting More ExpensiveThe costs of building and maintaining transportation infrastructure are rising every year. Between 2003 and 2016 construction costs nationally have grown by 68%.

•  Funding Shortfalls are Projected Revenue levels have been decreasing, costs have been increasing, and the Twin Ports is projected to have more than $1 Billion in unfunded maintenance projects by 2040.

•  Our Population is Not Growing The number of people who live in the Duluth-Superior area has not increased for approximately 40 years—which means the per-person tax burden to pay for our infrastructure is increasing.

•  We’re Getting Older In 2010 over 25% of the MIC area was 55 years of age and older, that is projected to increase to 37.5% by 2040. This has significant impacts on our tax revenues as well as the transportation needs of our community members.

•  Many of Us Don’t Drive, or are Seeking Alternatives A significant number of people who live here don’t own vehicles (up to 39% of households in some neighborhoods); many others are too young, too old, or unable to drive (and still have places to go); and a growing number of people are seeking alternatives to driving (for reasons of lifestyle, health, finances or environmental impact).

Appendices A-J (10.2 MB)


View chapters individually, below:

Cover and Table of Contents (1 MB)


Chapter 1 - Introduction (710 KB)


Chapter 2 - A Vision to Implement (240 KB)


Chapter 3 - Key Takeaways (200 KB)


Chapter 4 - Primary Data Sources and Results (2 MB)


Chapter 5 - Multimodal Network (3 MB)


Chapter 6 - Projects and Funding (2 MB)


Chapter 7 - Participation (4 MB)


Chapter 8 - Planning and Policy (625 KB)


Appendix A - Federal Planning Factors and LRTP Objectives (757 KB)


Appendix B - MetroQuest Phase 1 Survey Summary (5 MB)


Appendix C - MetroQuest Phase 2 Survey Summary (4 MB)


Appendix D - MetroQuest Phase 1 Survey Comments (1 MB)


Appendix E - Demographic Trends and Projections (7 MB)


Appendix F - MIC-Area Travel Demand Model Update (2 MB)


Appendix G - MetroQuest Phase 1 Survey Mode Questions (1 MB)


Appendix H - Public Participation Initiatives (1 MB)


Appendix I - Comments from Stakeholder Consultations (1 MB)


Appendix J - Draft LRTP Comments Received with MIC Responses (3 MB)


Appendix R - Resolution by the MIC Policy Board Adopting sustainable Choices 2045


For best results viewing this map please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Click here to view an interactive map of transportation projects proposed for inclusion in the 2045 Long Range Plan.
(You can use the “layers” tab in the upper right corner to toggle on and off views of information about environmentally sensitive areas, low-income and minority populations, etc.)