What Is The Transportation Future That We Want And Need, And How Do We Get There?

The Proctor Transportation Plan defines the community’s vision for how it would like its transportation system to look, feel and function.

A central theme is supporting the safe and efficient movement of people of all ages, abilities and incomes, as well as the safe and efficient movement of goods in and through the City of Proctor and adjacent neighborhoods.

The planning process took place during the summer and fall of 2020, and brought forward key ideas from previous planning efforts, gathered additional input from community stakeholders to produce a comprehensive guiding plan.

The final Plan recommends short- and long-term strategies to implement the vision. This work will position Proctor well into the future with a vision and direction for upcoming transportation projects that meet community needs and achieve the goal of an integrated, multimodal transportation system.

Final Plan to be presented for Approval by Policy Board

MIC Policy Board Meeting - Online and Phone-In (Jan 2021)
Date & Time
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

For the protection of the community, all MIC Board and advisory committee meetings will be held online and by telephone during the current Minnesota COVID-19 State of Emergency.

Click to Join Online: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Phone in: (218) 302-4275
Conference ID: 631 617 73#

Public access and public comment opportunities will be provided as permitted by Minn. Stat. § 13D.021 for local government meetings, allowing the use of communications media technology such as telephone and video conferencing.

Meeting materials can be viewed below.

(About the MIC Policy Board)

Steering Committee Meeting #3

Demonstration Projects Installed

Throughout September and October, the City of Proctor will install temporary street improvements to provide more comfortable streets for people walking and biking.  The two installations, referred to as “demonstration projects” will be installed in downtown Proctor at 2nd Street and Highway 2 (3rd Avenue), as well as a few blocks west at 2nd Street and 5th Avenue. Demonstration projects use low-cost and temporary materials and supplies like traffic paint and plastic flexible posts to test and evaluate potential long-term installations.

Your feedback is very important! Please take this quick survey: http://bit.ly/ProctorDemo

Steering Committee Meeting #2

Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting

Project Objectives

A plan that defines a comprehensive vision for the development of an integrated multimodal transportation system for the City of Proctor. It will:

  • Incorporate recommendations and public input received from several recent planning initiatives;
  • Enable stakeholders to prioritize future development directions;
  • Facilitate the safe and efficient movement of people of all ages, abilities and incomes, as well as the safe and efficient movement of goods;
  • Identify upcoming (programmed) projects;
  • Recommend strategic short- and long-term investment strategies to address current and future transportation needs;
  • Assist in coordinating transportation investments among multiple roadway authorities and jurisdictions, including MnDOT, St. Louis County, the Duluth Transit Authority, and the Cities of Proctor, Hermantown and Duluth; and
  • Position the City and MnDOT to apply for or access available

Project Background

The City of Proctor has for many years been discussing significant transportation issues and projects including 2nd Street, US Highway 2 in downtown Proctor, the I-35/Boundary Avenue interchange, Safe Routes to School, and trail connections to Hermantown and the Munger Trail.

All of these require cooperation among multiple jurisdictions and transportation agencies but have been viewed largely on an individual project level, not from a comprehensive, multimodal, city-wide lens.

MnDOT is now proposing a highway improvement project and requested the MIC to undertake a planning process that consolidates planned and/or programmed projects with community input into a single document that defines a vision for Proctor’s transportation system.

Final Proctor Transportation Plan


This Action Plan identifies a vision, set of goals and performance measures, the projects and programs considered in this study, the project prioritization process and identified key projects, conceptual design for two important corridors, details of a demonstration project implemented as part of the Plan, and funding considerations moving forward.

The Action Plan is intended to be used as guidance to city staff and elected officials. It outlines an implementation framework of effective, integrated transportation facilities and programs through the 2030 planning timeframe.

Plan Area Map


The Plan covers an area that includes the City of Proctor and the adjoining neighborhoods, in Midway Township and the City of Duluth.

Existing Conditions Report


The Transportation Existing Conditions Report is intended to provide a baseline snapshot to inform the Proctor Transportation Plan. A clear understanding of existing conditions is an important element of crafting and implementing a robust, effective, and integrated transportation plan.

Appendix A - Project Evaluation Matrix

This Appendix describes the project prioritization process used to identify key projects.

Appendix B - Demonstration Project Report & Survey Responses

This Appendix describes details of the two demonstration projects implemented as part of the Plan.

Appendix C - Conceptual Design for US Highway 2


This Appendix presents the conceptual design for one of two key roadway corridors, and funding considerations moving forward.

Appendix D - Conceptual Design for 2nd Street

This Appendix presents the conceptual design for one of two key roadway corridors, and funding considerations moving forward.

Appendix E - Transportation Plan Vision, Goals, Strategies and Performance Measures

This Appendix presents specific steps to move toward implementation of the Vision:
Proctor’s Transportation System is a multimodal network connecting people with places, providing safe, healthy, and accessible transportation choices for everyone, and promoting a sustainable and competitive economy.

Past Plans Report


This section of the Plan presents a review and synthesis of previous planning documents, to better understand community desires, and to chart a clear direction forward for the next decade of transportation in Proctor.

The planning process was guided by a 15-person steering committee, that included:

  • Proctor Citizens
  • City of Proctor Mayor
  • City of Proctor City Councilor
  • City of Proctor City Administrator
  • Proctor Chamber
  • Proctor School District
  • MnDOT District 1 (Planner)
  • DTA
  • City of Duluth (Traffic Engineer & Planner)
  • St. Louis County (Traffic Engineer)