Why is the Central Entrance Vision Plan being conducted?
Central Entrance has historically served automobile through-traffic and drive-by land uses. This auto-centric infrastructure is aging and deteriorating, and MnDOT is planning to fully reconstruct Central Entrance in 2026.
Over the past decades, studies have recommended improvements but few have been implemented. This transportation plan, developed with the community, will establish a multimodal vision for Central Entrance to guide the design and reconstruction.
About the Plan:
The Central Entrance Vision Plan recognizes there are different contexts and conditions along the corridor. It does not present a single recommended concept for Central Entrance. Instead, it provides a set of concepts and design elements that can be combined based on further evaluation to realize the overall vision. Its guiding values shape the final recommendations:
- Safe & equitable multimodal transportation system
- Healthy, walkable community
- Thriving local businesses
- Sustainable and resilient corridor
- A vibrant gateway to Duluth
Prior to its reconstruction in 2026, this Plan will define a community-supported vision for a walkable, bikeable and transit oriented thoroughfare which will create an attractive destination that:
• Is safe and comfortable for people of all ages and all abilities
• Encourages new types of residential and commercial development
The public involvement process will include numerous and various opportunities to give input. It will build off the feedback and recommendations from previous planning initiatives.
Key tasks and timelines for this planning project:
May 2021: Review Previous Studies
The plan is building on the foundation laid by the previous plans
June/July 2021: Visioning
Developing a vision with the community
July/August 2021: Concepts
Develop concepts to illustrate how the vision could potentially be implemented
Sept/Oct 2021: Draft Plan
Develop draft plan highlighting vision, goals, and recommendations
December 2021: Final Plan
Approval by Metropolitan Interstate Council Policy Board in Jan. 2022
2022-2024: Engineering
MnDOT continues community engagement and develops reconstruction plans
2026: Construction
Reconstruct Central Entrance