Port/Harbor Planning

The MIC’s  port and harbor planning initiatives are conducted by MIC staff, with guidance and input by the Harbor Technical Advisory Committee. In chronological order, these include:

  • Erie Pier Management Plan (2021)
    In 2007 the function of the Erie Pier Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) was changed to a Processing and Reuse Facility (PRF).  This update of the 2007 plan provides local and state perspectives on the operations of the Erie Pier facility, with the shared goal of prolonging the life of the facility through processing and beneficial use of dredged material placed there.
  • Duluth-Superior Port Land Use Plan (2016)
    Update of the 2006 comprehensive port development plan for the waterfront lands that constitute the ‘working port’ of the City of Duluth, MN and City of Superior, WI.
  • Erie Pier Management Plan (2007) 
    Outlines process and requirements to develop a successful dredged materials reuse program and to transition the Erie Pier facility from a Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) to a Processing and Reuse Facility (PRF).