This Congress the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, which Congressman Nolan serves on, is committed to passing a $1 trillion long-term infrastructure bill. The Congressman asked for these transportation forums because he believes any infrastructure package must be comprehensive, and cover all areas of infrastructure. Specifically, the focus on water infrastructure; rural broadband; construction, improvement, and repair of our roads, bridges, highways, pipelines and rail systems; and funding for the maintenance our educational facilities. One of the major issues he continues to hear about is a complete lack of Federal investment in our Nation’s drinking water and wastewater systems. It is one of his top priorities to include robust funding for this in any infrastructure package, and that starts with a full multi-year reauthorization of and appropriation of $2 Billion to both the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.
Unfortunately, our Nation has become far too reactive, and rely on public disasters – such as the Flint, Michigan drinking water crisis and the Minneapolis Bridge collapse – to address areas where our country is in dire need. Congressman Nolan will fight every day to make sure our Nation becomes a proactive one and finally put this era of neglect to an end. Transportation infrastructure is the foundation of business and economic success, and is the center-point of good paying jobs with living wages for our Nation’s middle class.
With that, the Congressman looks forward to hearing from you this Friday in Hermantown. Please feel free to invite others to this discussion.
Jeff Anderson
District Director
U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan
(O) 218.464.5095