The Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (MIC), located at the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission in Duluth, has prepared a Draft Fiscal Year 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Duluth Metropolitan Area. The Draft TIP lists all transportation projects in the greater metropolitan area that are recommended by the MIC Board to receive federal transportation funds for FY 2020-2023.
Public comments are being taken until June 17, 2019 on the Draft TIP and the proposed projects.
Click to view the Draft TIP page and document. To request a hard copy of the document, contact James Gittemeier, who is taking all public comments on the document (contact info below).
The Draft TIP, along with all comments received, will be considered for final approval at the MIC Board meeting on June 19, 2019. The final version of the 2020-2023 TIP will list all transportation projects that have been planned and programmed for federal funding within the Duluth area for those four years.