The MIC’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) aims to engage a well-rounded group of bicycle and pedestrian stakeholders. We are currently seeking more citizen participation by people who regularly commute by bicycling, walking and/or taking the bus.
If you would be interested in becoming a member please contact MIC staff coordinator James Gittemeier (218-529-7556).
The BPAC is an advisory committee to the MIC to provide input into the planning and implementation of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and to develop recommendations for MIC projects that support active transportation options for people of all ages and abilities.
The BPAC’s mission is to encourage and promote the availability of non-motorized ( or active) transportation options to improve the health and safety of our citizens, the sustainability of our environment, and the economy of our region. The BPAC’s primary functions are:
- To advise and provide sound planning recommendations to the Metropolitan Interstate Council in regard to bicycle- and pedestrian-related plans and projects;
- To gather meaningful input on projects that have impacts on bicyclists and pedestrians by engaging local bicyclists, decision makers, engineers, planners, and transportation authorities who are involved with the physical development of the transportation system;
- To provide a forum for the discussion of bicycle and pedestrian related issues and concerns;
- To provide public outreach and education regarding bicycle and pedestrian specific issues, activities and projects, as deemed appropriate by the Committee;
- To assist in identifying methods and providing assistance with data gathering and implementation of plans and projects;
- To assist in identifying additional sources of funding for coordination and implementation of special projects and activities, as deemed appropriate by the Committee.
The BPAC meets four times a year, at 2:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of February, May, August and November. All meetings are held in the ARDC Conference Room at 221 West First Street, Duluth, MN.
The BPAC, as an advisory committee to the Metropolitan Interstate Council, is funded through the Federal Highway Administration, the Wisconsin and Minnesota Departments of Transportation, and local match (ARDC/NWRPC).
Staff Contact
For more information about the BPAC, please contact MIC Principal Planner James Gittemeier using email form, below, or call (218) 529-7556.