The work we’re doing this year.
View Current (CY 2022) Work Program and Budget
The Unified Transportation Planning Work Program and Budget (UPWP) spells out the MIC’s transportation planning and administrative activities, budgets and funding sources for the current calendar year, as well as an estimate of this information for the next year.
The UPWP is updated annually to show how federal transportation planning funds are being used by the MIC in order to meet federal metropolitan planning requirements. The UPWP is developed by MIC staff in consultation with partner jurisdictions and agencies and approved by the Policy Board, MnDOT and the FHWA.
It may be amended to account for changes in funding or project needs.
Development and Approval Process
October 20, 2021
The final 2022-2023 UPWP was presented to and approved by the MIC Policy Board.
After receiving approvals from MnDOT and FHWA, the new work program will be effective 1/1/22.
August 25, 2021
The Draft 2022-2023 UPWP was presented to the MIC Policy Board and distributed to oversight agencies (MnDOT, WisDOT, FHWA) for review and comment.
Funding Sources
The MIC’s work activities as described in the UPWP are supported by funding from the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, the Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation, the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission.