We say it on OpenMIC every year…
“As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for this area, it is our job to work with local communities to determine how the federal transportation dollars that come to our area get spent.”
We are now finalizing the roster of local transportation projects that are slated to receive federal funding. This list is called the “TIP” (Transportation Improvement Program) and it lines up projects for the coming four years. As projects in the current year get built, we add new ones to the outer year.
This time around, the outer year is 2017, and these projects are the projects we’re adding:
- Resurfacing of Mesaba Avenue (I-35 to Central Entrance) – $2.1 million.
- Resurfacing of E 4th Street (from 6th Ave. E to Wallace Ave.) – $3.4 million.
- 3 STRIDE Buses for the DTA – $200 thousand
As you can see –due in large part to a decrease in the federal funds now available–only two roadway improvement projects and a few new buses to the DTA’s special-needs STRIDE fleet can be programmed for 2017.
Your Priorities?
These projects were evaluated and prioritized by the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee and recommended by the MIC Policy Board.
These decisions, however, also need to consider the public’s input, so we are asking you: are these the three projects you would have funded? Since they have been chosen for inclusion in the TIP, is there anything you might have to say about these specific projects?
View the Draft Document
You can learn more details about these projects, as well as those lined up for years 2014, 2015, and 2016 from the draft TIP document, which is available for public review from now until August 21st .
Talk to Us in Person
Or, you can ask us questions directly by calling (218-529-7573). You are also invited to stop by our office during one of the TIP open houses scheduled for 7am-5pm on Thursday, July 18th and Friday, July 19th. The place: 221 W First St., downtown Duluth, second floor.
Or, you can leave a comment at the end of this post. As we let you know on OpenMIC every year…
There are three ways to have your say.