This Transportation Improvement Program is outdated and has been replaced by the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP.
Sheldon Johnson
Phone: (715) 635-2197
This Transportation Improvement Program is outdated and has been replaced by the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP.
Sheldon Johnson
Phone: (715) 635-2197
This TIP was replaced by the MIC’s 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP after it received state and federal approvals on 12/15/21.
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved an Amendment to the 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
Amendment 13: WisDOT requested a new project be added to the TIP to include real estate acquisition in CY 2021. Funding totaling $211,000 will be used to purchase real estate for work associated with planned construction along the defined segment area in CY 2024. The proposed real estate acquisition is tied to approved TIP projects 113-21-002 and 113-21-011.
Public notice posted 6/17/2021:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the special MIC Policy Board meeting on June 24, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved three Amendments to the 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
TIP AMENDMENT #10: WisDOT has requested 113-20-011 be deleted from the current 2021-2024 TIP. The project is being deleted as it was never programmed in the WisDOT financial systems.
TIP AMENDMENT #11: WisDOT has requested an amendment to 113-21-003. The project length was incorrectly listed in the TIP and program year funding has advanced. The original project had listed the project from MN State Line to STH 53, however the actual project listing should have been MN State Line to Barnes Road. Additionally, the project was scheduled for CY 2022 and the project has now advanced for construction in 2021.
TIP AMENDMENT #12: WisDOT has requested a new project be added to the TIP to include transit services to an upcoming CY 2021 project. WisDOT will be rehabilitating USH 2/53 form 29th Ave E to 53rd Ave E in CY 2021. Funding totaling $225,000 will be provided to the Duluth Transit Authority for assisting in mitigation efforts for transit route assistance during reconstruction efforts.
Details of Amendments 10, 11 & 12
Public notice posted 3/10/2021:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on March 17, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved five Amendments to the 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
TIP AMENDMENT #5: North Country Independent Living Center (NCIL) requested an Amendment to add a project in 2021 that will continue their transportation vouchers program to eligible clients throughout (eight county area including; Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Sawyer, and Washburn) northern Wisconsin.
TIP AMENDMENT #6: North Country Independent Living Center (NCIL) requested an Amendment to add a project for 2021 to operate a mobility management program that funds staff members to coordinate rides for the region’s seniors and individuals with disabilities, and also work to expand their service, provide outreach and information of transportation options to residents, and work to coordinate rides with other providers.
TIP AMENDMENT #7: The Challenge Center requested an Amendment to add a project for 2021 to replace a current vehicle with a new Minivan, rear-load equipped. Federal funds for this project are made available through the Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities), program administered by WisDOT.
TIP AMENDMENT #8: Senior Connections requested an Amendment to add a project for 2021 to replace a current vehicle with a new Minivan, side-load equipped. Federal funds for this project are made available through the Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities), program administered by WisDOT.
TIP AMENDMENT #9: WisDOT requested that project # 113-17-004 be deleted from the current 2021-2024 TIP, due to a change in project length. While 113-17-004 is recommended for deletion, project number 113-20-001 is the same project currently listed in the 2021-2024 TIP that has the same project objectives with the correct beginning and ending project length.
Details of Amendments 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9
Public notice posted 2/10/2021:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on February 17, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
WisDOT requested an administrative modification to the 2021-2024 TIP, due to a change in year for a project deliverable. TIP project ID 113-16-006, IH 535, Superior to Duluth, St. Louis River Bridge (construction, paint, misc. maintenance 1199-00-74) is currently listed as a 2022 project. WisDOT has requested the project be moved to 2021.
Based on the adopted MIC Public Involvement Plan, the proposed change conforms to Administrative Modification guidelines. It does not reach the financial threshold requiring a formal Amendment.
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved four amendments to the 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
TIP AMENDMENT #1: WisDOT requested a TIP amendment for preliminary design work for a safety improvement project at the intersection of E Street and USH 53/E 2nd Street. Preliminary design is scheduled to begin in 2021.
TIP AMENDMENT #2: WisDOT requested a TIP amendment for construction work associated with safety improvements at the intersection of E Street and USH 53/E 2nd Street. Anticipated future roadway improvements include full median closure at E Street, with right turn bays on USH 53 and improvements to connecting local city streets to get vehicles on and off USH 53. Construction is scheduled for 2024.
TIP AMENDMENT #3: The City of Superior requested a TIP amendment for bus stop improvements in various locations that will utilize local funds. Improvements include replacing bus shelters and undertaking concrete pad and adjacent sidewalk repairs to improve safe pedestrian accessibility near the shelters and in the rider loading zone. Preliminary design is scheduled for 2021.
TIP AMENDMENT #4: The City of Superior requested a TIP amendment for bus stop improvements in various locations that will utilize federal, state and local funds. Improvements include replacing bus shelters and undertaking concrete pad and adjacent sidewalk repairs to improve safe pedestrian accessibility near the shelters and in the rider loading zone. Construction is scheduled for 2023.
Details of Amendments 1, 2, 3 & 4
Public notice posted 1/13/2021:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on January 20, 2021. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
View summary of all Superior-area transportation projects that used federal highway (FHWA) and transit (FTA) funds last year.
The 2021-2024 Superior Urbanized Area TIP was presented and approved at the MIC meeting. No formal public comments were received on the Draft document, but some minor editing to the plan narrative was completed to align with changes and additions.
The final TIP can be viewed under the “TIP Document & Map of Projects” tab, above.
The draft TIP will be presented for final approval and adoption at the MIC Policy Board meeting on October 21, 2020. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
The Draft Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, lists all projects that are being proposed to use federal transportation funds for the upcoming four years in the greater Superior, WI area.
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to join in this virtual “open house” to get information about the 2021-2024 Superior TIP, ask questions and give comments.
Login and call-in information (anytime between noon and 1:00 pm)
Click here to join Microsoft Teams Meeting online
-or – Call 218-302-4275 to join meeting by phone / Conference ID: 289 783 783#
Information about he draft TIP can be viewed in the attachments, below.
At its August 19, 2020 meeting the MIC Policy Board released the draft 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP for the required 30 day public comment period, to be effective August 21 through September 18, 2020.
View Presentation about the Draft 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP
Correspondence was sent to eligible agencies and jurisdictions soliciting CY 2024 multi-modal transportation projects and other project activities not listed in the current TIP, resulting in the following new project additions:
7 Roadway Projects:
2 Rail Projects:
1 Transit Project:
Approved and adopted by the MIC Policy Board 10/21/20.
The draft 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP is open for public comment from August 21 through September 18, 2020.
Before any surface transportation project can be built in the Superior area using federal funds, it must be included in a current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that has been approved by the MIC Policy Board. Each metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is required to develop a TIP—a comprehensive listing of the area’s regionally significant, federally funded, transportation improvements planned for the short range (next 4 years).
The cost of needed improvements to the transportation system far exceeds the funding available to address those needs and difficult decisions must be made regarding the use of scarce transportation dollars. If listed in the TIP, it means that some of our highest-priority road, transit, and bicycle/pedestrian projects have been funded and are being planned, designed, and built. The Superior Area TIP is one of the two TIPs the MIC develops for the Duluth-Superior planning area.
• The TIP is developed with the guidance of the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee and Policy Board, and prepared in cooperation with MnDOT, local transit providers and area jurisdictions as required by federal surface transportation law (FAST Act).
• The draft TIP is made available for a 30-day public comment period, in Aug/Sept.
All projects must be identified in the MIC’s current 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan in support of the Duluth-Superior area’s goals and transportation system needs, which include:
• Regional Benefit: What are the project’s merits/benefits and intended effect upon the regional transportation network and what are the project’s estimated benefits relative to its cost?
• Mobility: How will the project improve the mobility of people and goods?
• Planning Support: How will the project incorporate the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, other MIC studies and related plans and studies?
• Multi-modal Connectivity: How does the project encompass multiple modes of travel — roadway, bicycle, pedestrian?
• Environmental Impacts: Where is the project’s location and what potential environmental and community impacts does it potentially pose?
• Public Participation: What level of public participation has been undertaken or will take place for the proposed project?
It is part of the MIC’s role as an MPO to work closely with state and local agencies to prioritize which of the region’s transportation projects and services should receive anticipated federal funds for the next four years. The long term effect such decisions can have makes it critical that the public be included in a dynamic decision-making process.
For the Superior Area TIP, the development process runs from July, when MIC staff begins discussions about possible projects with eligible jurisdictions.* The draft is made available for public comment in August, and the final TIP is presented for final approval by the MIC Policy Board at its meeting in October.
NOTE, the final TIP approved by the MIC Board in October is not the current version until state and federal approvals are received – usually by the end of December.
*Eligible agencies and jurisdictions include the state of Wisconsin (WisDOT), Douglas County, the City of Superior and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).
Projects may be amended into the current, approved TIP throughout the year. Amendments usually modify existing projects as changes to the scope, cost or timeline for programmed projects occur. Sometimes new projects may be added if new funding becomes available. The formal processes for developing and amending a TIP are specified in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan.