This Transportation Improvement Program is outdated and has been replaced by the 2023-2026 Superior Area TIP.
New TIP adopted for CY 2023-2026
This TIP was replaced by the MIC’s 2023-2026 Superior Area TIP after it received state and federal approvals on 12/14/22.
Amendment #9 Approved
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved Amendment 9 to the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
A TIP amendment has been requested for resurfacing work scheduled for 2022 along STH 105, .2 miles west of East Riverside Drive. This will be a small resurfacing project 0.07 miles in length in the Town of Superior. This short section of pavement is over the box culvert (Little Pokegama River) due to settlement of subsoils. Total project cost is $74,900 and is 100% state-funded.
Based on the criteria adopted in the MIC Public Involvement Plan, these changes require a formal Amendment to the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP.
Public notice posted 8/10/2022:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on August 17, 2022. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
Amendments #5, 6, 7 & 8 Approved
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved Amendments 5-8 to the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
TIP AMENDMENT #5: The City of Superior requested a TIP amendment for preliminary engineering work associated with roadway improvements to a segment of Woodlawn Road from 42nd Street to Bardon Avenue in the City of Superior. Preliminary engineering work is scheduled for 2022.
TIP AMENDMENT #6: The City of Superior requested a TIP amendment for rehabilitation work associated with roadway improvements to a segment of Woodlawn Road from 42nd Street to Bardon Avenue in the City of Superior. Rehabilitation work is scheduled for 2023.
TIP AMENDMENT #7: WisDOT requested a TIP amendment for a BNSF railroad crossing surface replacement project on STH 105 in the City of Superior. Rail crossing rehabilitation work is scheduled for 2025.
TIP AMENDMENT #8: WisDOT requested a TIP amendment for preliminary engineering work for the future placement of a thin polymer deck overlay along segments of STH 13. One of the nine bridges included in this PE work effort is within the MPO area (Town of Lakeside). Preliminary engineering work is scheduled for 2022.
Public notice posted 6/7/2022:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on June 15, 2022. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
Federal FY 2022 Project Solicitation Approval
The City of Superior received approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting to apply for federal FY2022 funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) for a resurfacing project of Woodlawn Road. It is for a short section of the roadway between CTH A/42nd Ave E. and the Nemadji River bridge. This roadway serves as a key connection for the residents of the city and commercial transport as it provides the approach to one of only two crossings of the river in Superior. Project total is for $415,000. This project would be amended into the Superior TIP upon award.
Amendment #4 Approved
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved Amendment #4 to the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
WisDOT requested a TIP amendment for rehabilitation work associated with four culvert replacements in 2022 along a segment of STH 35 between the intersections of Kansy Road and Manitou Valley Road in the Town of Superior.
Public notice posted 3/8/2022:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on March 16, 2022. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
Amendments 1, 2 & 3 Approved
The MIC Policy Board reviewed and approved three Amendments to the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP, as follows:
TIP AMENDMENT #1: North Country Independent Living Center (NCIL) requested an Amendment to add a project in 2022 that will continue their transportation vouchers program to eligible clients throughout (eight county area including; Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Sawyer, and Washburn) northern Wisconsin.
TIP AMENDMENT #2: North Country Independent Living Center (NCIL) requested an Amendment to add a project for 2022 to operate a mobility management program that funds staff members to coordinate rides for the region’s seniors and individuals with disabilities, and also work to expand their service, provide outreach and information of transportation options to residents, and work to coordinate rides with other providers.
TIP AMENDMENT #3: This project enables Senior Connections to replace a current vehicle with a new Minivan, Side-load equipped. Federal funds for this project are made available through the Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities), program administered by WisDOT.
Details of Amendments 1, 2 & 3
Public notice posted 1/12/2022:
This amendment will be brought forward for approval at the MIC Policy Board meeting on January 19, 2022. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.
New Superior Area TIP Adopted for CY 2022-2025
The 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP was adopted upon receiving state and federal approvals on 12/15/21.
2022-2025 Superior Area TIP Adopted by MIC Board
The Board voted unanimously to adopt the document and the listed Superior-area projects to receive federal funding for CY 2022-2025. No public comments were received at the meeting.
Note, until this TIP is approved by the FHWA, the current version remains the 2021-2024 Superior Area TIP.
MIC Resolution 21-16 Adopting the 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP
Public Notice: 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP to be Presented for Approval
The draft 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP will be presented for final approval by the MIC Policy Board at its October 20, 2021 meeting.
The meeting is open to the public and comments on the TIP will be taken.
Virtual Open House for the Draft 2022-2025 Superior TIP
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Online or Call-In (see info in post)
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to join in this online meeting for information about the 2022-2025 Superior TIP, ask questions and give comments.
Microsoft Teams meeting: Join on your computer or mobile app: Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only): +1 218-302-4275, Phone Conference ID: 887 982 847#
Information about he draft TIP can be viewed in the attachments, below.
Draft 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP Open for 30-Day Public Comment
At its August 25, 2021 meeting the MIC Policy Board approved the release of the draft 2022-2025 Superior Area TIP for the required 30 day public comment period, effective August 27 through September 25, 2021.
Superior TIP Project Solicitation
Correspondence was sent to eligible agencies and jurisdictions soliciting CY 2025 multi-modal transportation projects, resulting in the following new project additions:
- 3 Roadway Projects
- 1 – 2023 $9,332,400
- 1 – 2024 $1,200,000
- 2 – 2025 $1,312,500
- 2 Rail Projects
- 2 – 2025 $200,000
- Transit
- 2025 Regular Route & STRIDE – $1,786,782
Funded Projects
No projects match selected year
Final 2022-2025 Superior Metro TIP (Amended 08-17-22)
2022-2025-SuperiorMetroTIP-FINAL-Amendment-9.pdfMap of 2022-2025 Superior TIP Projects
Projects-Map-2022-2025_Superior_TIP.pdfThe projects proposed for federal funding are the heart of the TIP document. Click link, above, to view the PDF.
Programming federally-funded infrastructure projects for the next 4 years
Before a surface transportation project can be built in the Superior area using federal funds, it must be included in a current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The MIC works with state and local agencies to prioritize and program the region’s transportation projects and services that will receive these funds.
The final, approved TIP lists all regionally significant transportation projects that will utilize federal funds for the next four years. All are consistent with the transportation priorities of our region, as put forward in our most recent Long Range Transportation Plan.
See tabs, below, to view the document and a map of project locations, information about the project selection process, proposed changes to the project list and opportunities for public comment.
TIP Development
TIP development involves a series of steps to reach the project approval stage. It is a cooperative effort between the MPO, WisDOT, FTA, FHWA, transit operators and local agencies responsible for implementing transportation projects.*
Coordination with State and Regional Processes
We work with local community partners to prioritize how our increasingly scarce share of federal transportation dollars are spent. The TIP is developed in cooperation with WisDOT, local transit providers and area jurisdictions as required by the FAST Act. The draft TIP is made available for input and comment by the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee, Policy Board and members of the public, as well as by WisDOT, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
The TIP development schedule, below, reflects coordination among the availability of funds, WisDOT program development, local capital improvement budget processes, MPO public involvement requirements, air quality conformity determination (where applicable) and the state-level STIP development process.
Important schedule milestones include:
1. Project solicitation – MPO begins in May or June
2. Draft TIP creation – June/July/August (including conformity justification if required)
3. MPO-driven Draft TIP Public Involvement and WisDOT Draft review – August/September
4. MPO Policy Board action on final TIP – September/October
5. Adopted TIP and approval materials submitted to WisDOT – November 1
6. Federal review and action – November 1 – 30
7. Incorporation into next year’s draft STIP by WisDOT – December
8. Approved by reference in the federally approved STIP – January
*Eligible agencies and jurisdictions include the state of Wisconsin (WisDOT), Douglas County, the City of Superior and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).
How are TIP projects selected?
All projects must be defined as “regionally significant” and also identified in the MIC’s current 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan. The LRTP defines the Duluth-Superior area’s transportation goals and system needs. The MIC evaluates and prioritizes each proposed project based on the following criteria:
• Regional Benefit: What are the project’s merits/benefits and intended effect upon the regional transportation network and what are the project’s estimated benefits relative to its cost?
• Mobility: How will the project improve the mobility of people and goods?
• Planning Support: How will the project incorporate the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, other MIC studies and related plans and studies?
• Multimodal Connectivity: How does the project encompass multiple modes of travel?
• Environmental Impacts: Where is the project’s location and what potential environmental and community impacts does it potentially pose?
• Public Participation: What level of public participation has been undertaken or will take place for the proposed project?
Projects may be amended into the current, approved TIP throughout the year. Amendments usually modify existing projects as changes to the scope, cost or timeline for programmed projects occur. Sometimes new projects may be added if new funding becomes available. The formal processes for developing and amending a TIP are specified in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan.
Performance Management
MAP-21 and FAST ACT require that the TIP includes a description of the anticipated effect of the TIP toward achieving the MIC’s adopted performance measure targets identified in the metropolitan transportation plan, linking investment priorities to those performance targets.