New (2020-2023) Duluth Area TIP Adopted

This TIP was replaced by the MIC’s 2020-2023 Duluth-Area TIP upon receiving MIC Policy Board approval on 6/25/19 and state and federal approvals on 11/27/19.

Amendment #3 - Approved

St. Louis County requested an amendment to the French River Wayside Rehabilitation Project. This amendment increases the total funding and moves the project up from 2022 to 2020. The federal funding would continue to be paid back in 2022, as originally programmed.

Amendment #3 Details

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #2 - Approved

The City of Duluth requested an amendment to the Cross City Trail Project Phase 2 (118-090-018) and Phase 3 (118- 090-019) for FY 2019.  The total funding for Phase 2 is increased, Phase 3 is removed from the TIP and Phase 3 federal funds are moved to Phase 2.

These changes are necessary due to an increase in costs for Phase 2, including additional railroad requirements under the Ore Docks and a bridge widening along the trail.

Amendment #2 Details

Amendment #2 Board Presentation

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modification #4 - Public Notice

The Duluth Transit Authority requested several changes to the 2019 TIP project list. After receiving notice of the FTA appropriations and being awarded additional grants from MnDOT, several changes were made to the funding amounts and the projects better defined the projects.  None of the changes met the financial threshold requiring a formal Amendment.

Administrative Modification #4 Details

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modification #3 - Public Notice

The Duluth Transit Authority has requested a project change for a 2019 project, to purchase ten standard 40 ft. replacement buses, instead of the initially requested nine buses. The DTA normally purchases ten buses every other year and the change is to reflect this usual practice.

Administrative Modification #3 Details

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modification #2 - Public Notice

St. Louis County requested that the FY 2019 Maple Grove Road Project (# SP 069-606-025) show an increase in federal funds (dropped from another project, hence freed up federal funds) and a technical correction to the project description. There was no change to the total cost of the project.

Administrative Modification #2 Details

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Amendment #1 - Approved

MnDOT District 1 requested an amendment to the Local Traffic Mitigation (LTM) Project 6982-328 for FY 2019 which is the first project of the overall Twin Ports Interchange projects.  This amendment changes the scope of the project by removing the relocation of Coffee Creek work, adds advanced construction dollars for FY 2020 & 2021 and decreases the total project cost from $3.9 million to $2.0 million.

Amendment # 1 Details

Amendment # 1 Board Presentation  

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Administrative Modification #1 - Public Notice

St. Louis County requested that the FY 2019 Maple Grove Road Project (# SP 069-606-025) be changed from a mill and overlay to a full depth reclamation, including adding turn lanes and sidewalk.  There is a slight decrease in the length of this project and an increase in the project total cost from $2.9 million to $3.9 million.  The increase costs will be paid with St. Louis County funds.

Administrative Modification #1 Details

About Amendments and Administrative Modifications

Final Approvals - MnDOT, FTA, FHWA

The MIC’s 2019-2022 Duluth-Area TIP received final approvals from FTA and FHWA (Effective October 30, 2018).

MIC Board Approval

The 2019-2022 Duluth Area TIP was presented and approved by the MIC Board via Resolution 18-22. View the final TIP under “Approved TIP Document” tab, above.

NOTE: The 2018-2021 Duluth Area TIP remains the current version until federal agencies (FHWA and FTA) approve the 2019-2021 version.

Questions? Comments? Stop in and talk to us!

Drop-in Open House #2 - 2019-2022 Duluth TIP
Date & Time
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
221 West First Street
Duluth MN 55802,

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend a drop-in open house for information about and to give comments on the 2019-2022 Duluth Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

Questions? Comments? Stop in and talk to us!

Drop-in Open House #1 - 2019-2022 Duluth TIP
Date & Time
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
221 West First Street
Duluth MN 55802,

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend a drop-in open house for information about and to give comments on the 2019-2022 Duluth Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

Draft Document Open for Public Review and Comment

Click to view PDF

Comments on the DRAFT TIP are being taken through September 19, 2018.

Map of 2019-2022 Duluth Area TIP Projects - DRAFT for Review and Comment

Click image to view map

Comments on the DRAFT TIP are being taken through September 19, 2018.

System Performance (PM3) Performance Measures Adopted

For the Minnesota portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-14, adopting MnDOT’s performance measures for System Performance (PM3) for 2018, as follows: System Performance (PM3):

Measure 2-Year Target 4-Year Target
Percent of Reliable Person Miles on the Interstate 80% 80%
Percent of Reliable Person Miles Reliable on the Non-Interstate NHS N/A 75%
Truck Travel Time Reliability Index 1.5 1.5

  *NHS = National Highway System These will be included with a complete write-up in the final version of the 2019-2022 TIP.

Infrastructure Condition (PM2) Performance Measures Adopted

For the Minnesota portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-13, adopting MnDOT’s performance measures for Infrastructure Condition (PM2) for 2018, as follows:

Measure 2-Year Target 4-Year Target
Percent of NHS* Bridges in Good Condition 50% 50%
Percent of NHS Bridges in Poor Condition 4% 4%
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Good Condition N/A 55%
Percent of Interstate Pavement in Poor Condition N/A 2%
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Good Condition 50% 50%
Percent of Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Poor Condition 4% 4%

  *NHS = National Highway System These will be included with a complete write-up in the final version of the 2019-2022 TIP.

Proposed MIC-Area TIP Projects Approved for Inclusion in 2022 Draft TIP and STIP

At the March meetings of the TAC & MIC, the projects submitted for federal funding in 2022 were reviewed and approved: Snively Road – Roadway and Intersection Improvements (construction of a roundabout at Glenwood Street intersection) Woodland Ave – Roadway and Intersection Improvements Arrowhead Road – Preservation project Thompson Hill – Reconstruction of north and south bound lanes on I-35 Trunk Hwy 194 – Mill & Overlay Duluth Transit Authority – Regular route and STRIDE operating assistance, maintenance and technology improvements   The projects will be forwarded on to the NE MN Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) as the next step in the TIP development process. MIC Staff will begin work on the draft 2022 Duluth Area TIP document.  More opportunities for public review and comment will follow after the draft is released for public comment in June.

Seeking Comments on Proposed Transportation Projects for 2022

Overview of Proposed Projects

– Open for public comment through March 20 by contacting TIP Coordinator Chris Belden.

2022 Project Applications Received

The MIC received 3 applications for MIC-area projects to receive federal transportation funding in 2022.  They will be open for public comment through March 20. The proposed projects will be presented for review by the TAC and MIC in February and for approval at the March meetings, after which they will be forwarded to the NE MN ATP process for inclusion in the 2022 draft TIP and STIP.

Safety Performance Measures (PM1) Adopted

For the Minnesota portion of the MIC area, the MIC Board passed Resolution #18-02, adopting the MnDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Performance Measure Targets for 2018, as follows: # of Traffic Fatalities = 375 Rate of Traffic Fatalities = 0.62 per 100 million VMT # of Serious Injuries = 1935 Rate of Serious Injuries = 3.19 per 100 million VMT # of Non-motorized Fatalities & Serious Injuries = 348 These will be included with a complete write-up in the final version of the 2019-2022 TIP.

2022 TIP project solicitation period begins

MIC staff distributed project applications to eligible agencies and jurisdictions (State of Minnesota (MnDOT), St. Louis County, cities with a population over 5,000 (Duluth and Hermantown), the Duluth Seaway Port Authority and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).  Deadline for project proposals is February 5, 2018.

Funded Projects

No projects match selected year

TIP Basics

•   Each metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)—a comprehensive listing of the area’s federally funded transportation improvements planned for the short range (next 4 years).

•   The TIP is developed with the guidance of the MIC’s Transportation Advisory Committee and Policy Board, and prepared in cooperation with MnDOT, local transit providers and area jurisdictions as required by federal surface transportation law (FAST Act).

•   The draft TIP is made available for a 30-day public comment period, in mid-May.

How are TIP projects selected?

All projects must be identified in the MIC’s current 25-year Long Range Transportation Plan in support of the Duluth-Superior area’s goals and transportation system needs, which include:
•   Regional Benefit:  What are the project’s merits/benefits and intended effect upon the regional transportation network and what are the project’s estimated benefits relative to its cost?

•   Mobility: How will the project improve the mobility of people and goods?

•   Planning Support: How will the project incorporate the MIC’s Long Range Transportation Plan, other MIC studies and related plans and studies?

•   Multi-modal Connectivity: How does the project encompass multiple modes of travel — roadway, bicycle, pedestrian?

•   Environmental Impacts: Where is the project’s location and what potential environmental and community impacts does it potentially pose?

•   Public Participation: What level of public participation has been undertaken or will take place for the proposed project?

Coordination with State and Regional Processes

A simultaneous but separate process is held to program projects throughout the 8-county Arrowhead region by the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NE MN ATP). All Duluth area transportation projects that are approved and/or amended in the MIC’s TIP must also be listed in MnDOT’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program to be able to receive federal funds.

TIP Development Timeline

For the Duluth Area TIP, the development process runs from December, when MIC staff begins discussions about possible projects with eligible jurisdictions* through June of the following year, when the final TIP is approved by the MIC Policy Board.

  • December: MIC staff distributes project applications to eligible jurisdictions*
  • February: Project applications are received and put forward for first round of public review and comment.
  • March: Project applications are prioritized by the MIC Policy Board to be forwarded to the Northeast Minnesota Area Transportation Partnership (NE MN ATP) for funding consideration within the investment guidelines for all of northeast Minnesota for that project year.
  • April: Staff begins work on the TIP document and projects are approved by the NE MN ATP
  • May: Draft TIP produced and released for 30-day public comment period.
  • June: Final TIP presented for approval by MIC Policy Board, which in turn s submitted for approvals by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) .
    NOTE, the final, Board-approved TIP is not the “current” version until federal approvals are received.

*Eligible agencies and jurisdictions include the state of Minnesota (MnDOT), St. Louis County, cities with a population over 5,000 (Duluth and Hermantown), the Duluth Seaway Port Authority and the Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).


Projects may be amended into the current, approved TIP throughout the year.  Amendments usually modify existing projects as changes to the scope, cost or timeline for programmed projects occur. Sometimes new projects may be added if new funding becomes available. The formal processes for developing and amending a TIP are specified in the MIC’s Public Involvement Plan.