The Port Land Use Plan examines land use and development adjacent to, considers multi-modal access to, and addresses existing and future land use conditions influential to the ongoing success of, the Duluth-Superior port, harbor, and estuary.
Plan Purpose
To assist public and private interests with the development of lands in the working waterfront of the Duluth-Superior port.
To guide how lands can best be managed to support and promote current and long-term protection of valuable and limited deep water berths, global waterborne connections, water dependent businesses, and maritime facilities.
To identify the various local, state, and federal policies and regulations that can impact development activities within or adjacent to specific parcels of land and sections of the waterway.
Plan Goals
To consider and integrate the large amount of harbor-related planning work undertaken by multiple agencies.
To protect and enhance the economic, ecological, and recreational value of the harbor.
To identify potential future land use options, needs, opportunities, and complementary strategies.
To encourage participation and direct input from all stakeholder groups with interests within the port and harbor.
Port Land Use Plan 2016 Recommendations

The 26 Recommendations of the 2016 Port Land Use Plan
Appendix III - Strategy for Implementing the 2016 Duluth-Superior Port Land Use Plan Recommendations

Implementing the plan’s recommendations should:
Promote certainty and reliability for existing port businesses and support economic investment by encouraging compatible land uses adjacent to the federally-maintained shipping channel.
Position the Duluth-Superior community to take advantage of its geographic location and leverage its transportation assets to become a larger player in projected increases in freight movements.
Port Land Use Plan 2016 Future Land Use Map

Port Land Use Plan 2016 Future Land Use Map
2016 Port Land Use Plan Executive Summary — click to view document
The Duluth-Superior Port Land Use Plan is a comprehensive port development plan for the waterfront lands which constitute the “working port” of the cities of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin. It:
- – Examines land use and development adjacent to the Duluth-Superior Port, harbor, and estuary
- – Addresses existing and future land use conditions influential to the ongoing success of the Duluth-Superior Port, harbor, and estuary
- – Considers multi-modal access to the Duluth-Superior Port, harbor, and estuary
- – Provides recommendations for Duluth-Superior Port, harbor, and estuary stakeholders to consider and implement
- – Serves as a guide for the cities of Duluth and Superior to incorporate within their comprehensive plans
- – The 2016 plan is the latest version. The original formal plan was completed in 1978, and has been updated several times since.