Myers-Wilkins Elementary School is located in Duluth, Minnesota’s Hillside neighborhood, near the intersection of East 10th Street and 8th Avenue East. In 2012, the School was renovated and formerly known as Grant Elementary School before changing its name to Myers-Wilkins..
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan is meant to guide the implementation of its program to eliminate the barriers to walking and bicycling to school as identified in parent surveys and the existing conditions assessment.
Due to its large size the Plan has been split into three sections — Text, Maps appendix, and Survey appendix, below:
Myers-Wilkins Elementary Safe Routes to School Plan TEXT
(35 pages, 5 MB)
Myers-Wilkins Elementary SRTS Plan MAPS Appendix
(11 pages,12 MB)
Myers-Wilkins Elementary SRTS Plan SURVEY Appendix
(21 pages, 2 MB)