The Duluth Township Trails Plan presents a community vision as well as an ambitious set of goals to be fully implemented over time. The idea for the The Duluth Township Trails Plan originated from the Township’s Comprehensive Plan, which calls for the creation of a network of pathways that would not only serve recreational uses, but also would provide viable transportation connections to township community gathering places and points of interest.

The Plan identifies a potential network of pedestrian, bicycle, and other multiple-use, non-motorized pathways to connect residents to natural areas, community assets, and regional attractions. It also links to trail systems outside the township, in Duluth, Two Harbors, St. Louis County and Lake County.

It includes an implementation timeline with short- (0-5 years), mid- (5-10 years), and long-range (10+ years) time frames.

Duluth Township Trails Plan - Final (7 MB)
