Connections 2040 2014 Update of the Duluth-Superior Long Range Transportation Plan
Heading in the right direction.
Transportation planning should reflect the community’s vision for its future. Connections 2040 is the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, area. It takes a “big picture” look at the entire multimodal system for 25 years, and presents goals, strategies and policy guidance to get us there.
In addition to setting forth the broad vision for the area-wide transportation network, it estimates the funding the region can reasonably expect to receive. The LRTP is updated every five years and may be amended as a result of changes in projected federal, state and local funding and/or substantive planning and policy shifts resulting from area plans, studies, priorities and initiatives.
(Note, this is the 2014 version of the MIC’s LRTP – see current update here)
Find out the impacts of planned projects on the people who live here and on the environment.
Take the Survey: What Are Your Transportation Priorities?
The funds to build and maintain our transportation system come largely from public sources (such as gas taxes, property taxes, fares and fees) and your input is essential to understanding our community’s priorities to target these limited financial resources toward meeting our transportation goals.
In this survey, we are asking you to prioritize the nine goals we have developed for the plan and also to weigh in on your top transportation priorities. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. Your answers will be completely anonymous and survey results will be incorporated into our final plan.
(Note, this is a previous version of the MIC’s LRTP – see current update here)
Connections 2040 is the 2014 update of the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, urbanized area. It presents a long-range (2015-2040) strategy to guide the effective investment of public funds for multi-modal transportation infrastructure throughout the Duluth-Superior area. The LRTP is updated every five years in accordance with federal and state requirements, and reflects local planning initiatives and incorporates public input.
Connections 2040 also provides the foundation for the annual development of the Duluth and Superior Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), short-range capital improvement programs that implement some of the identified highway, transit and bikeway projects, as well as for the MIC’s annual work program activities.
Topics that Connections 2040 addresses:
Transportation priorities, goals and objectives for the Duluth-Superior metro area
Census-based adjustments to population, employment and travel data
Update of the MIC area urban boundary and functional classification changes
Update the travel-demand model to identify current and future deficiencies in the road network
Safety, efficiency and connectivity of the multimodal transportation network
Technology acquisition and partnership strategy in support of performance-based planning
Proposed system improvements
Fiscally constrained projects
Financial analysis
Process for developing the 2040 LRTP
Connections 2040 - Long Range Transportation Plan for the Duluth-Superior Urbanized Area
Assesses the degree to which this area’s transportation facilities provide access, ensure mobility, and operate safely and efficiently to move people and freight via by both motorized and nonmotorized (active) modes.
Lists short-, mid- and long-term transportation projects planned to be implemented by the major jurisdictions within the MIC planning area as well as projected funding sources, which together form the financial analysis for the plan.