Proctor Transportation Plan
Posted: January 9, 2020
Proposals Due: January 31, 2020, 4:30 pm
Questions/MIC Responses: The following questions have been asked by prospective respondents. Our responses are shown in red.
1. Is a cover letter allowed and if so, does it count toward the 12-page limit?
2. Are the pages limited to 12 single-sided pages or double-side pages (24 pages)?
3. Are covers, dividers, cover letter, and table of contents included in the page limit?
4. If an 11×17 page is used, does it count as only one page?
We are asking for a maximum of twelve pages of content for the main proposal, whether single- or double-sided and regardless of page size. A cover letter is permitted and will not count toward the 12-page limit, nor will any pages used to organize the contents.
Graphic illustrations and other supplemental materials showing experience or examples of similar work may be included as separate Appendices, on any size paper, with no page limits; however, please let brevity be your guide.
1. Are future travel demand forecast numbers available to the project and/or are the MIC staff available to the project to produce them if needed?
Yes, that data will be available if needed.
2. Is involvement of the general public (such as through a public open house) outside of the Steering Committee meetings expected or desired as part of this plan?
Yes, as much public involvement as possible is desired as part of this planning process. The tasks specified in the RFP, to incorporate public input gathered from prior plans and to work with a steering committee, should be considered the minimum requirement (or starting point) for involving members of the public in developing a community vision for the transportation system.
3. Are there any known conflicts between the City of Proctor and MnDOT or other identified jurisdictional stakeholders? Are there any key discrepancies between adopted area plans from the various stakeholders?
We anticipate that the answer to this question will be an outcome of the work with the steering committee and other public outreach activities. To the best of our knowledge, however, there are no contentious inter-jurisdictional issues.
4. How many planning-level designs and schematics do you anticipate would be required?
We do not have a set number of graphic designs in mind; rather we are looking for a mix of maps, artistic renderings and planning-level designs that can demonstrate possibilities to the public and inform subsequent preliminary engineering processes. We are not necessarily looking for block-by-block specifics as much as concepts that illustrate approaches to lighting, landscaping, street widths, etc., and communicate the character of a multimodal community vision.
5. Aside from projects identified in the 2020-2023 STIP, please elaborate on any other MnDOT plans or projects that would affect the City of Proctor and its environs.
MnDOT Projects
- US Hwy 2 is planned to be resurfaced from Hwy 194 to 1st Avenue in Proctor – in 2026.
- Boundary Avenue/I-35 interchange will be replaced – by 2035.
St. Louis County Projects
- New sidewalks to be constructed on the east side of Boundary Avenue from 300 ft. north of Anchor to Orchard Street – by 2024.
- Lavaque Road to be resurfaced from Boundary Avenue to Morris Thomas Road – by 2045.
City of Proctor Projects
- Implementation of projects within existing Safe Routes to School, Trail and Active Transportation Plans. These include a connector trail to the Munger Trail in Duluth, and a street improvement project on 2nd Street between US Hwy 2 and the Proctor High/Middle School (this segment has been identified as one of the highest priorities for the City of Proctor) – no time frames specified.