
Maps of Interest

Maps are an integral feature of any of the MIC’s transportation and land use planning projects, and can be viewed in the plans and studies available on this website. Maps that display features of interest within the MIC Planning Area include:

Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Pedestrian Plan Interactive Map (Draft)

Duluth-Superior Area Current Bike Network
Duluth-Superior Port Land Use and Facilities Map
Duluth-Superior Rail Map (2006)
Duluth-Superior Safe Routes to School Map
Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Bikeways Plan Interactive Map

Historical Maps

Previous editions of the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Bike Map include:

Duluth/Superior Metropolitan Bike Map – Duluth, MN (2012)

Duluth/Superior Metropolitan Bike Map – Superior, WI (2012)


Visualization is simply putting words into images. The MIC is in the process of incorporating more visualization examples into our plans. Check back often for new links and information!

MIC presentations on “Visualization in the Endion Land Use and Transportation Plan”:

MN APA Transitions in Planning 2008
TRB Tools of the Trade 2008
MN GIS/LIS Consortium 2007 (5 MB)
Wisconsin MPO/RPC/DOT conference and the MN MPO Directors Workshop, August 2007
Fly-over animation video (43 MB)

Visualization Resources:

Presentations on visualization from the Transportation Research Board (TRB)
The GIMP photo editor: Windows downloadMac OS X download
Paint.NET photo editor

For More Information

For more information about maps and GIS services available through the MIC, contact our GIS Specialist Ricky Sarran by phone at (218) 529-7502 or by e-mail.