The Unified Transportation Planning Work Program and Budget (UPWP) spells out the MIC’s transportation planning activities as well as administrative activities, budgets and funding sources for each project for the current two-year period.
The MIC’s 2012-2013 UPWP, adopted in December 2011, provides $1,045,600 for planning activities in fiscal year 2013 between January 1 and December 31.
The MIC’s work activities as described in the UPWP are supported by funding from the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, the Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation, the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission.
Amendment # 1 – From 6/27/12 MIC Meeting Summary
Ron Chicka presented a proposed amendment to the 2012-2013 Work Program and Budget. The City of Hermantown came to the MIC and asked for help in examining their zoning and planning process, because they have some staffing changes coming up and felt it’s a good time to address the issue. The project will include creating a snapshot of current transportation assets and doing an assessment of Hermantown’s zoning and planning process. The City, ARDC’s Regional Planning Division and MIC staff formally request the Work Program to be amended to include this additional planning project. $20,000 of MN-federal Planning funds to be matched via Hermantown ($15,000) funds for a total project cost of $35,000.
As has been presented in prior meetings to the TAC and MIC Boards, Regional planning staff will be working with MIC staff at conducting an assessment of the city’s planning, zoning and development practices. On top of this, MIC staff will provide a transportation infrastructure report of the city detailing facilities and examining needs per current and potential future zoning changes. MIC staff will examine land use along key corridors to determine these needs and/or deficiencies. We will report on the demographics of the city and check growth against the MICs transportation model to also determine suitability.
Jennifer Julsrud asked Chicka to talk about the project a little more. He explained that Regional planning staff will be working with MIC staff at conducting an assessment of the city’s planning, zoning and development practices to provide a transportation infrastructure report of the city detailing facilities and examining needs per current and potential future zoning changes. MIC staff will examine land use along key corridors to determine these needs and/or deficiencies. We will report on the demographics of the city and check growth against the MIC’s transportation model to also determine suitability.
Julsrud asked if the federal agencies had been questioning if this fit within the scope of the MIC, and Chicka said no, they had just wanted to be clear on how the funding worked. She asked how the split of 20/15 was derived and Chicka explained that it came down to staff hours and amount of work.
Nick Baker asked if this would be opening the door for others to do the same thing, and if it might be available to Wisconsin as well. Chicka said that it would be.
Julsrud asked if these dollars were available, wouldn’t you put it out to everyone. Chicka stated that they had, and pointed out that the current consultant led projects were a result of such a call, and that they were also all getting matches from various agencies.
Motion to approve Amendment #1 to the MIC’s 2012-2013 Work Program and Budget passed by unanimous vote.